Logbook entry

To The Center And Back Again

CMDR's Log 7th February 3305

Well Reader, it's been a heck of a start. Being the smart-alec, invincible CMDR I am. I decided to leave dock as light as possible. D-rated and no shields. On the way out of Chelomy Orbital, I grazed the mail-slot and did some serious damage to Penelope. With only 25% Hull Integrity and no shields, we left... My passenger, some other "Famous Explorer" wasn't too happy to begin with, with good reason, that was a stupid maneuver! After a few days travel, we've reached uncharted territory near the edge of the sector. We're about to be the furthest away from the Bubble i've ever been, but also the closest to the Core. This is exciting. Penelope is at 22% and holding. Provided I don't make anymore bonehead moves. My guests seem to have settled in for the ride, if I could only get them to stop "praying the ship doesn't fall apart..." this is going to be a LONG few weeks.

CMDR's Log Supplemental

After many sleepless hours at the helm, we made it to our destination in the Galactic Core Systems. We did our business on the surface. Being only 5 jumps from Sag A, I figured, what the heck, a little personal sightseeing adventure to the Galactic Center Point. Once there, we make a couple of quick tourist snaps and set a route back to the bubble. In that short amount of time, some BOZO Pirate scans us and my guests CANCEL. 20KLY+ Away from the Bubble and you're NOW JUST TELLING ME?!?!? If I had ANY weapons on board, I would've blown that damned pirate to dust.

I will NEVER take another one of these Deep Space Sight-Seeing Adventures again.

I'm hoping all this new system data will replace the 33M Credits I am now OUT.

Who in the Black do you even think you are?
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︎0 Shiny!
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