Jump, Scoop, Honk, Scan, Plot, Repeat...and an annoying discovery about my Discovery Scanner
13 Jan 2016ROWND
Another evening, another 21 systems and another 250 light years in a little over 5 hours. I was struggling to keep my eyes open for the last hour, and honestly was fortunate that I didn't have any close calls with planets because I fell asleep momentarily in a couple of approaches before calling it an evening. Somehow I just can't resist scanning all those little dirty snowballs, but I imagine as the number of virgin systems in my logbook increases I'll grow out of that obsession. I also like to occasionally slow down and have a closer look at a few of the worlds - that's why I'm here, anyway. I did have another navigation system crash, but it was very brief. However because of this crash I discovered that my scanners were also defective, so that for about 5 systems the discovery scanner reported zero new objects discovered when in fact there were objects out there. I remember a similar oddly long stretch of single star no planet systems a couple weeks ago, and now suspect that my discovery scanners were also malfunctioning during that stretch. I had no damage to my systems at either time, so the discovery scanner itself must be defective. I'll have to get the discovery scanners replaced when I get back to port, and be definitely reboot them every time I encounter two single star no planet systems in a row.