Logbook entry


16 Jan 2016JeradT
16 Jan 3302

After a long flight and almost getting stranded two systems away I finally made it to Saunders Dive. After my last log I decided to make the remaining jumps to Wolf keeping an eye on fuel thinking I'd be fine as I had a fuel scoop. Surely I couldn't run out. Two systems away from Wolf my FSD chirped "Unable to comply" Checking my map, since the current star was Type T unscoopable... realized no scoop able stars in jump range an odly enough no occupied systems. I had only enough fuel to jump 4 LY. Wolf was 12 or so away... I jumped one more time into what my Galaxy map said was unoccupied Khohdis. Thankfully for me upon jumping I realized Perez station was on hand an my Map was being filtered improperly.. human error or malfunction of the Galaxy Map?? In either case I refueled an jumped onward to Wolf. My final destination. I went straight into hunting to try an bolster my credit balance. After 3 succesful sorties.into High an Haz RES sites around Wolf 1301 3, I decided to call it a night an hit the bunk. Was a long an stressful trip to say the least.
Until next time safe flying.

Cmdr JeradT
Saunders Dive
Wolf 1301
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