Logbook entry

Outside the Bubble

19 Jan 2016JeradT
19 Jan 3302

I made my first trip outside the bubble an it wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought. While going through the Pilots Academy numerous other pilots had horror stories of Pirates and Bandits outside the bubble. I set out an made decent time only scanning the Primary stars in system.

I made it to Robigo without incident, got some shut eye an set out for the return leg of my journey. Once back in the bubble the Cumo Crew were quite persistent in trying to yank me out of supercruise.

Succeeding once an hitting me with a scan, which damaged my mission an cost me half a million
credits. Needless to say that’s one Pirate who who won’t be returning to his home system.

All in all it was a mediocre success netting close to 2 mil for my efforts. Could have been better, could have been worse.

I rested up an set out for Hudson terroritory for the Fed Navy summoned me to Tun. They had an offer
for me. I’m not at liberty to discuss classified information but I did gain another bar for my efforts there.

Now I set out back for home an back to my Security Sweeps and staying always vigilant, for pirates an bandits are never far off, lurking behind the asteroids.

Till next time,

Cmdr JeradT
Saunders Dive
Wolf 1301
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