Logbook entry

FDS Apollo

21 Jan 2016JeradT
21 Jan 3302

Last two days were kind of hectic and didn’t get much chance to jump into the cockpit. I broke down and traded in the Dravec which was a difficult decision to make since she’s treated me extremely well since her inception.

I flew back to my Hudson Base, cashed her in and had the Federal Navy acquisition me a Dropship. The FDS Apollo arrived within 12 hours. Now I was itching to jump in the cockpit but I had some work to do on him before I could take him for a spin around the system. The thing reminded me of a 20th century tank. And upon retrofitting, it seemed like that’s exactly what this boat would be.

First flight out an I was right. It lumbered out the slot an crawled it’s way around station then through system. Upon finally arriving at the local HazRes I put him through his combat test.

The thing WAS a tank. I cleared 2 mil in bounties in 30 mins. And the boat can take a beating. Numerous times shields went down and the bandits blasted away on the hull till I repositioned the Apollo, which can take a minutes since the thing has 0 Maneuverability, got solid lock an sent the bandits to meet there makers. All the while with shields down an hull damage increasing not a single module went offline.

I think I’m going to like this boat. Just have some more work to do on him till I can get myself a FAS. My current goal. But the FDS Apollo is certainly going to improve my chances on docking on sooner rather than later.

Maintenance crews are calling for me, they need my assistance rewiring for the new KWS.

Until next time,

Cmdr JeradT
Knight Orbital
LHS 6427
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