Logbook entry

The Bounce Back

31 Jan 2016JeradT
31 Jan 3302

It’s been a week since I had time to log anything into this log system, it’s been a hectic week, more so than usual.

Since I was picked up by the haulers I basically had to start from broke. It’s a good thing there’s never a shortage of work for Hudson an the Fed Navy. They requested my presence on the front lines for they were pushing hard into Li Yong–Rui territory. The only problem with that is they needed me in something other than a civilian sidewinder.

That being said I made my way home to Knight for i had a good size list of a wanted scumbags that needed to be taken care of. I set out an did nothing but hunt for the next few days. Hudsons bonuses for bounty hunting really paid off for within a matter of days I was back right to where I left off upon being shot down. I made my way into Li Yong–Rui territory picked up a brand new Federal Assault Ship for cheap. I loaded up the armament on the FDS Anhur and I made my way to the front in Dongkum.

I stopped back here at Knight to reload an rearm and to cash in bounties and Hudson vouchers. If things stay as they are I should make rank with Hudson in the next few days. Off to the front I go again, I’ll swing through Wolf on my way to run a quick security sweep through the system an then off to Dongkum an HIP 24046.

Till next time

Cmdr. JeradT
Knight Orbital
LHS 6427
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