Logbook entry

A Tiny Little Incident

Commander's Log
I almost died last night in the black.   Well actually planet side.   Flying with CMDR Bogoz.    It was our first time taking both our ships out instead of flying as multi-crew.   We attempted landing on a planet but got separated on atmospheric entry.  Seemed almost impossible to coordinate our locations manually.   Then we discovered the Wing request feature and it helped greatly.  

After getting our ships together in proximity, we landed on the surface (my first manual planet landing) and each launched our SRVs.   We drove around for a while and came upon this Diamond Back Scout ship just sitting on the planet idle.  A quick scan showed the owner to be wanted.    After looking it over a while, greed got the best of me and I decided to open fire to see if I could destroy the ship and collect the wanted bounty.  After all 30K credits would be a good little payday...   Once I opened fire, the ship came to life, took off, and began attacking me.  And incidentally, there were also drones nearby in my escape path that began firing and chasing me as well.   The SRV trip back to my ship was full of screams and panic.  CMDR Bogoz was long gone as he had no hardpoints that would activate on his SRV, but he offered guidance and support in the midst of my panic from a safe distance.  

I finally made it back to my trusty Adder-The Resolution about the time I was down to 25% hull on the SRV and quite certain that was I going to die on that big hunk of rock. Boarded my ship and we made a hasty launch out of there.    Good Times.

See you in the black,

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