Logbook entry

Mining travel diary - Lulua

29 Jan 2019Admiral Demonio
Diary page #1 :

It has been some days already since Wally Craft's request of Low temperature diamonds and these strange minerals apparently called Void opals,and finally i managed to complete my task.
It wasn't a very easy task,after some time this vessel's cockpit became quite tight for me,not sure if i just gained weight or i'm starting to gain symptoms of  claustrophobia.
Not to mention i started to see things and the asteroids all looked the same to me,even my pulse wave analyzer started to give me weird data about the rocky bodies in front of me but my need of galactic credits was higher than my insanity symptoms,so i continued to mine and blow up asteroids while taking sips on my trusty large soda.
For all possible crew members of my vessel or if you find my ship crashed AGAIN on any stellar body,the refrigerator with sodas and beer is under the pilot's chair
Why beer you may ask...well while i don't like the taste of alchool my self,my friend Rek likes it so...whenever we travel into deep mining sites i always bring a good cargo of imperial beer.

Anyways now that i finally finished my task and Wally is happy i can report something to all miners out there:
In the Lulua system precisely on the orbital body Lulua 4 there is an high intensity of Void opals and Diamonds,i suggest you to launch a couple of probes on the planet's rings to scout for possible even higher intensity deposits.
What's really interesting is that people here are extremely lazy because the station is just a couple of LS away from the mining field and they still managed to run out of minerals...incredible.
Cassidy orbital is just about 10-LS away from the fields so after you completed your mining tasks or collection,you don't need to spend 10 minutes playing some mini-games on your interface,you can istantly contact the station for trade. But be careful Wally is quite greedy and heedless.
Right now the price collapsed but it's only a matter of time that price may go up again i'll scout this system and the closest ones during these days and report any possible change or activity.

-Admiral Out.
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