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Mining travel diary - Lulua

31 Jan 2019Admiral Demonio
Diary page #2 "Surprises"

What day is it? Which time?

Seriously Wally Craft has a nice talent to make people go completely nuts,it has been 2 days i believe from last report  and in the meanwhile i scouted the whole system and nearby Crucis' sectors and i have nothing special to report.
I went back to Cassidy station both empty handed and empty cargoed (does this word even exist? I'm sorry i'm not from your galaxy),i'm surprised they even granted me access,actually i'm even more surprised they didn't have any problem with pirates so far.

Opening com channel to Cassidy station :

This is Admiral "Demonio" Ideia, vessel : Asp explorer Id:SPRITE requesting docking for political reasons in your station.

After a moment of silence i receive an answer from the command center:

Ah,it's you.

Access granted please dock to the pad 25

In that moment i thought "that's the way they usually greet in this sector" otherwise i cannot understand such massive traffic in the station all the time. Well anyway after i dock i take a moment to take all my bags,put a scarf around my neck and unboard my ship.
Finally i was touching some ground,i was staring at my feet like an idiot for a couple of minutes when Wally in person came to ''greet'' me,well i think he wasn't there to greet me but the cargo considering how much cargo i sold last time.
(i think that's the reason the prices collapsed)
Sadly for him i had no cargo but i reported all the data i recovered from the nearby sectors and hopefully enough those data will help the people in this station.

I guess it was one of those days where you keep being surprised by completely strange events.
Wally wasn't there for the cargo and the money but he was there to deliver a message to me as soon as i landed on the station,he gave me the holo recorded message to me and the first question that arised in my head was...Why didn't they contact me directly? Well questions for later i guess.
Wally left without saying much and before sailing on ship again i take my time to rent a room and take some rest.

After i woke up i remembered that i should've listened to the record first and then rest...
I touched the button in the middle and then a wavy-frequency hologram appeared:

Commander,this is De kamp Orbital,we have an emergency,in the nearby system Komovoy a huge pirate activity has been reported,the nav beacon has been compromised and the authority has been cut off and they require assistance,your new mission is to abort the current investigation on Lulua's corruption and go eraticate the pirate activity then report back to De Kamp Orbital.
End of message

It took me a moment to realize but that greedy swine called Wally listened to this holo tape and probably now knows about my investigation...
There wasn't a second to waste i grabbed all my stuff and ran back to my ship,i sealed the entrance,and before departing i initialized a check up of all my ship functions and i notice that my long range sensors didn't work properly and same goes with the comms.

I'll repair them at De kamp Orbital,my combat vessel was parked there.

Remember what i said about pirates in Cassidy orbital,well i think there's a connection now,Wally sabotated my ship before the first departure,and wanted me to grab some money to secretly finance the pirates. That explains also why no pirate tried to interdict me on the way back with a cargo full of diamonds and opals.

Anyways the Lulua system is still full of rich mineral field especially Lulua 4. I suggest to try mining there. Delkar mining sites are completely dry right now.

-Admiral Out
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