Logbook entry

My first day as Cruise Captain.

06 Sep 2019Admiral Demonio
"An estimated population of 420.000 in the system! at least 5 ships every 20 seconds! with an average of 30 people in each of them between rich tourists and criminals and body guards!
That means roughly 450 people per minute go through the Sirius Atmospherics! Do you realize how important this job is Admiral??"

Mihn was yelling at me trying to explain,why i was required for this job and why the Sirius Corporation needs me and all of this because of my stupid question "Why me though?",all of this while i was thinking about that they knew that there are some criminals in the ships yet they do nothing about it.
Anyways i wasn't wrong,i may be a skilled pilot but i usually guide my ships to put thousands of holes in others' ships and definetly not to travel into some tourist beacon for the pleasure of someone's else.
Now i'm not judging someone's taste in sightseeing but i fly reckless and fast,and i don't think that some rich boy can handle my speed when i boost into 450 and 500 speed and start flipping around yelling "yahooooo"---Okay that was out of place i apologize. Wait,why am i apologizing to my self?

No matter what i said it didn't change the result at all. I still got the job. Well at least i got to choose my passengers.

A couple of hours later at Brunel Hub-Ceos System

I start walking towards the launching pads and i'm instantly amazed on how many people are there waiting for their trip to Sothis and after reaching my ship i get my tablet with names and i start calling out the passengers.
So many people,so many different behaviours and i'm suddenly bothered on the fact that some passengers take whole luxury cabin despite being just one because of all their body guards.
I'm bothered because i did the same with my father long ago,and i realize now how "wrong" it looks from a different point of view.

After that i finally get to my piloting seat and do the first pre-flight check ups then i proceed to say:
This is your captain speaking,the ship will depart soon for Sirius atmospherics. Sirius Flights wishes you a pleasant journey.

Not like i didn't warn Mihn,but guess what? Not even few meters out of the docking bay i get a fine because i rammed another ship in high speed...Oh well! I must admit that i didn't expect such speed from a cruise ship.
A passenger called me from her luxury cabin telling me that i made her spill her Lavian Brandy and that she was upset about it and i told her that it was the other ship's fault (lie).
One jump and we were already at Sothis,unfortunately the ship jumped really close to the star and the ship started to overheat it didn't take long for one of the "waiter" to come and warn me about certain passengers being unpleased:

Captain,the guy from the 5D is not pleased from this heat you should do somethin---wait is that you?????

I turned my head and i almost rotated the ship because i flipped from my seat after the sight of who was the "waiter".
It was Knight and i suddenly yelled "What are you doing HERE? And why i keep finding you everywhere??"

"No no,what are YOU doing here? I'm just working as bodyguard for this guy now he is an imperial and boi he pays good! But i wasn't expecting YOU to be the captain,you know this job is just T-O-U-R-I-S-M and we are not required to drop in the nearest conflict zone...right?" Knight says.
"Yeah i know that,i noticed when i saw that the same button i use usually for PAs to melt someone now it just activates the conditioning system...and speaking of which..." I say before pressing the heatsink function.

---Airflow and ice cracking sound---  
Dissipateur thermique déployé

"There, i fixed the thermal problem now will you finally let me drive this thing towards Sirius Atmospherics?

"I'm...not even going to ask why your Covas is in french but i do wanna point out that we are late. So i suggest you should do something about it."

I clear my throat and i say through the voice com "Attention due to unforseen events,we will arrive at destination with a short delay and don't forget this is the 1% of the cruise lines.
Knight facepalms after that because he knows what i just said and why i said it.
With no other delays we finally arrive at destination,this so famous Sirius atmospherics and while everyone was staring outside for a good while i was just rolling my fingers all the time still completely uncertain of why this place is such a renowned tourist beacon.
After the passengers were satisfied we plot course for Brunel Hub and there i get my pay,heavily reduced because of my incompetence,i also notice that after we landed i completely lost sight of my brother Knight,which makes me wonder if i just had an hallucination about him.
I reach Mihn and i tell him that i won't do this work ever again but while i was walking away towards my place i noticed that i earned 20 milions credits fairly easily...
Few days later
"This is your captain speaking,the ship will depart soon for Sirius atmospherics. Sirius Flights wishes you a pleasant journey."
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