Logbook entry

The Diamond Fever

10 Jun 2020Admiral Demonio
About 2 days ago

"HEY, Do i really have to write this down on the report? It doesn't have to do anything with our job."  I was then yelling at some of my squadron members while sitting on my not-so comfortable chair.

"Yes, it is highly important for you to report everything", Danl said while being fascinated by a particular book in his hands, then he proceeds to finish the sentence after placing down on the table the book: "it's part our jobs, it helps us remembering every detail in our double lifes, plus our leaders require them"

"Hmnnn..this is all interesting but, i am the leader" I said while waving the pen in circles in front of me.

He facepalmed.

This didn't start in a very professional tone...however this didn't also start just 2 days ago, it started years ago and probably even more, back when people were scouting for riches in the star systems.
There were without a doubt "secret places" where the amount of luxury commodities such as diamonds and void opals were incredibly high, places that only those who had the skills and the right contacts could know their locations.
This went on for years and many people became so rich that they ended up with so many credits that they didn't know what to do with them anymore, however there were people who took advantage of these trading routes by pirating and destroying the mining ships with subsequent reaction of federal, public and private security forces.

Recently the marketplace suffered an unusual twist that started what i call : The diamond fever.
Some of the commodities' values such as void opals went down drastically, while the void opals still have a huge payout their low demand and high rarity makes them second to diamonds.

It was during these months of diamond fever that someone, one day, started yelling in a very populated pub that they found the richest and most abundant diamond site ever saw in the political bubble:


It was without a doubt a place where you could increase your pockets' size by just looking at the shiny diamonds from the supercruise, the problem is that that so many people, even non-professional miners took the "bait" as a chance to become rich and therefore around Borann planets so many ships from all over the bubble started to mine their rings.
Small, medium, large and even capital ships were parked in Borann it was and it is a mess right now, because not only miners were attracted but also those who would take the goods from the miners with force.

Just like many things in life remind us, nothing is eternal, it is 10 Jun 3306 and with over 30 capital ships parked around Borann and an    unfathomable amount of traffic, the borann sites are nearly exhausted...
So this only implies that people will try now to find a new place to sadisfy their diamond fever and perhaps another crazy guy will eventually yell that they found another "gold mine".

End of the report.

"So how does it sound?" I asked Danl

"Terrible, Commander" he answered

It's perfect then!
Do you like it?
︎5 Shiny!
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