Logbook entry

Mystery In Yam

01 Feb 2020Shway27
EVIL Squadron
Mystery Wing


Commander Lukas Wolfheart of Shadow Company 6612 was exploring planet YAM 9 E in the YAM system when he stumbled across what looked like hieroglyphics from an ancient civilization or alien race.

Immediately Cmdr Wolfheart sent out a galaxy wide request for assistance asking if any other commanders had seen anything similar or if the PILOTS FEDERATION had any details. The immediate response was negative, this had not been seen before and should be investigated.

YAM 9 E is a low G planet with no atmosphere and no known populace. Exploring more around the site Cmdr Lukas discovered more such images lining up in a cross formation around the mountain peak and stretched out for number of kilometers.

Another development was the behavior of non-Pilots Federation ships in the area. There was abnormal increase in security forces checking  into what the Cmdrs investigating were up to and civilian ships seemed to trek aimlessly occasionally stopping to nose down planet side.

A handful of other Commanders made the trek to the area to see it for themselves. Much to Cmdr Wolfhearts relief he did not have space madness, and the discovery was confirmed.  

Eventually the Pilots Federation responded with this message

“Sorry to burst your bubble Commanders, this seems to be a lighting glitch and not a secret alien language!

--. --- --- -.. .-.-.- ... .--. --- - .-.-.- - .... --- ..- --. .... .-.-.- -.- . . .--. .-.-.- .-- .- - -.-. .... .. -. --. .-.-.- - .... . .-.-.- ... -.- .. . …”

Two things seemed rather curious about the message and I’ll address them in order.

The first being the statement about a “lighting glitch.”  A couple other Commanders then came forth echoing this explanation. Unsure about what that could mean Commander Wolfheart pressed on with his investigation discovering multiple other such sites on planets YAM 10 A and YAM 1. Of interesting note, all three planets are tidal locked.

Galnet News came to the aid with their report on 7/18/3305 citing that the planets may have been artificially constructed by a planet building company. The article made light of the situation but could possibly hold some truth. It is no secret that the Pilots Federation controls the flow of information through its cartography system, COVAS, and quite possibly GALNet. Could this levitous news be an attempt to direct us away from investigating further? Has anyone heard of a planet building enterprise or seen a planet being constructed? If there is such a company out there that opens many more questions as to the goings on in the galaxy. What better way to hide the location of something than to change the system in which it lies. The Dark Wheel, for example, is supposedly located near the eighth moon of a gas giant. Well now the possibility may exist where that particular Gas Giant has more than eight moons with one or more being artificially put there almost guaranteeing the station to never be found.

The second curious item was the series of dots and dashes which turned out to be an ancient form of communication originating on planet Earth in pre-space flight times. Called Morse Code the message translated to,

“Good spot though. keep watching the skies.”

The Pilots Federation, to this writers knowledge, has not included encoded messages before in there communication with Commanders. Another diversion tactic to the goings on with planet 9 E or real clues to something near at hand?

I for one did not arrive to the YAM 9 E until 7/19. Choosing not to visit the site in question having had numerous Commanders already investigating the area, I skimmed along the surface in mountainous areas in hopes to find other peculiarities. While I did not find writing on the ground I did notice the peculiar behaviors of other ships. I decided to follow a couple to see if they led me anywhere. The first only went on for a few kilometers and decided to stop and just hover roughly 5km above the planet. The ship sat there long enough that I decided to move on.

I soon found a small one building outpost and landed to investigate further but upon landing discovered I had forgotten to bring along an SRV. Having to excuse myself to the restroom I also checked the system wide coms for any other Cmdrs in the area that may have an SRV, not wanting to lose the location. Once I climbed back into the pilots chair I found the outpost has vanished. Quite peculiar! Did the site of my corvette scare them off or were they trying to hide the purpose of their stay?

Moving on I also had a wing of three Eagle SSF’s check in on me. As the flew off I decided to follow them. We went on for about 10kms when they stoped, nosed down to face the planet and then just sat there unmoving. Strange things afoot on 9 E.

In conclusion, having not found any other clues and being unable to decipher the markings, Cmdr Wolfheart and the rest of the interested Commanders seemed willing to let this mystery rest as the “lighting glitch” so described by the Pilots Federation pending further eveidence.

Fly Safe Commanders


Commander Shway27
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