Logbook entry

Black Omega

21 Jan 2016Pahn
6 am Clair Dock

It was always busy this early in Clair Dock, there were crews preparing to leave. Others were just arriving and the station announcer was his normal cheerful self. It was just another normal day in Clair dock.
How did I end up here in this little backwater part of the galaxy? Just sleeping in my ship again. I was a high ranking officer of Princess Arissa's Imperial guard. I was well paid with nice quarters in May Port Zeta Horologii. But now I seemed to just be another privateer scratching out a living on the edge of the bubble. And it was only a matter of time before they caught up to me.

Man I needed a drink. I decided to head down to Deggie's, see if I could get a little action from the boards. There was always someone looking to have something moved to somewhere and I had nothing better to do.
Leaving my ship I headed down the walkway to the transport tube its was quiet.
Too quiet...

As I reached the transport tube I looked down the walkway and I see three men coming towards me. Slowly reach for my guns observing the three.

'Is this it?'
'Have they finally come for me?'

My thoughts are distracted when I notice the lead man has an Imperial insignia on his lapel I draw my guns.
I fire my shots quickly and effectively. The only sounds heard are from the bullets ricocheting off of the walls. They'd caught me in the open, there was no cover. It was a straight up fight and I had successfully killed the men in front of me, but I hadn't seen the two who came from the other side and didn't have time to react before they fired I slump to the floor bleeding heavily from two shots in my back.

'Was this the end?'
'Why had they not finished me off now while they had the chance?'

My eyes started to blur. I look up to see the three who came from the front dead. My shots were fast and true. Suddenly I hear a faint sound of something falling to the ground and a soft click. I turned my head to look at what had made the sound. Looking the other way I see a man in black walking towards me. The two men that had shot me laid on the deck, blood flowing from wounds in their backs making a pool of red on the floor. 'Had this man killed them?' I couldn't think anymore as my consciousness stated to fade. As I was on the brink of passing out I heard a voice say. "Ahh, Commander Pahn I presume? Please allow me introduce myself. They call me Victor.."

Some hours passed before I finally woke. My vision was still blurred, but with what I could see I could see I could tell that I was in familiar surroundings; Deggie's club back rooms. There didn't seem to be any sign of Deggie... Or any one else for that matter. I sit up and pain shoots through my body. Ah, yes I remember, I was shot twice, wasn't I? My wounds had been dressed somewhat professionally. As long as I'd live it didn't matter. I get to my feet and head towards the door with a slight limp. I figured I'd have to move eventually, but I didn't expect it too be so soon. Tjakiri wasn't safe for me anymore. 'How did they find me?' I wondered slightly distressed at the fact. I reminded myself that all that mattered was that I was alive and that I had to move. Before I could reach the exit the door opened. The man from before entered. Now that my vision had cleared up I could tell that he was tall. He was wearing a black flight suit that he had skillfully covered with a long black trench coat. His facial features were hidden behind handle bar mustache and dark glasses hiding the view of his eyes.

"Ah, so you've awoken I see."
"Yeah I suppose I've got you to thank for that? Don't I?" I ask with a slight chuckle in my voice making light of the situation.
"Don't mention it. I would have killed those guys for fun anyway..." My eyebrow raises in suspicion at the sudden statement. "Is that so?" I ask in order to prompt an answer for some clue on what this guy was like.
"Mm." that was the only response he gave me and it didn't seem like he planned on telling me anything else. He didn't seem like much of a conversationalist. "Well thanks anyway... If you'll excuse me I have to go."
I fasten  my jacket and start towards the door again. I don't know why he chose to save me and I don't care either. all I knew is that where there were five empire agents killed there will be more on the way to find out why. Stepping past the man I reach for the door handle, but his words stop me in my tracks. "Black Omega" he says softly as I pass. His tone sounded like he wanted me to remember something. I shrug thinking nothing of the words, despite them seeming strangely familiar. For some reason I couldn't figure out why I knew those words or from where I knew them. I turned to look at him but he was already walking away from me and towards the couch I had been laying on when I'd awoke. "What?" I asked as I couldn't figure out why I felt as if I knew what those words meant.

"Don't you remember Pahn?"
"Remember? Remember what?"

He raised an eyebrow at my question before shaking his head dismissing the question. "Well I wont keep you here any longer than you want to be here." He said leaning back into the couch before adding "But I'll be here for a while longer, so if you ever want to know. You'll know where to find me." The comment and simple refusal to answer me does annoy me "What ever dude." I bluntly remark marching out of the room. I didn't leave before passing a nod at Deggie on the way out.

The club was dark and filled with its normal class of scum and villainy. It wasn't surprising seeing anyone of these people here. Unfortunately I didn't have time to associate with any of them or take any jobs. I needed to leave before anymore empire agents turned up.

I reach the transport tube to the hanger decks "Black Omega" the words still rung in my head. But what does it mean and why does it sound so familiar? The transport car arrives and I board but the feeling of uncertainty remains.

I quickly leave the car as it reaches the hanger deck; and swiftly make my way down the corridor where I was ambushed. When I got to the corner where I first saw the three agents and looked around to see if there were anymore. I stealthily made my way to my ship, blood still covering the deck, but the bodies had disappeared. There was a slight trail of blood from one of the pools of blood. No one cared for dead bodies in Clair Dock. The most likely explanation for their disappearance was that they had probably been dragged away by Amalgamates. Dismissing my thoughts of the missing bodies. I opened my hatch and entered my Python. If they still wanted to fight me while in space then they could fight me in my most powerful craft. I decided to come back for my other ships when I was certain I'd found a safe dock. On entering my command center I pause.

"Black Omega" I repeated to myself as the words resonated in my mind continuously.

I had to know.
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︎2 Shiny!
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