Logbook entry

Black Omega 1 Last Job

28 Jan 2016Pahn
11 am Clair Dock

My decision had been made. I decided that I would leave Tjakiri to find a safe dock then I would return for my remaining ships. I get into my pilot seat and run through take off proceedings all systems check just to be sure. After all you never know what might be waiting for you on the other side of the letterbox. Suddenly my coms burst into life. "Damn! who the hell is trying to contact me now?" I exclaim half tempted to ignore it. But my curiosity gets the better of me so I answer it.

"Yes what I'm busy" I say coldly hoping my tone will make who ever it is just hang up.
"Well now that's no way to talk to the guy who patched you up now is it lass?" I recognize the voice immediately and my tone goes from cold to thankful.
"Oh so that was you then Deggie. Thank you."
"Well... if you want to repay me I have a job for you."
"I'm sorry I really cant, I- I need to get away from here." My tone was doubtful talking to the older male.
"Ahh those empire agents? Your friend has dealt with them already, no need to worry lass. Here's the job we have been undermining: The prison colony at Vishkyamu, for some time now a few of our friends have been caught up in there. We're about to hasten their early release. I want you to go there and help take down the defenses. I've got another skilled operative, Marra, there with a wing of vultures. All you need do is meet up with her before clearing the defense craft. Make sure she gets down into the prison... Oh and your friend is going with you he'll explain how to deal with your empire problem."
"M- My friend?" I barely choke out the words in shock
"Yes. Commander Victor Laius."
"Hmm.. I barely know him."
"That's not what I heard lass, but nevertheless he will be accompanying you. I suggest you hurry before its over without you."
The coms go quiet and I prepare for launch, leaving the station and set course for Vishkyamu.

11:30 am. Vishkyamu

As I arrived I saw a Federal Corvette moving in orbit around the sun. This didn't bother me, but when coms started acting up I was slightly suspicious. Upon answering the transmission the first thing I hear is "you're late." I recognized the voice, it was Victor's.
"Late?" I answered swiftly before continuing "I only just found out about this mission. I was as fast as I could be."
"Regardless, we'd better hurry. The battle has already started."

We fly in supercruse to the prison colony where the fight was already in full swing; there were ships all over. Many were firing a variety of lasers and cannons. Others were exploding leaving pilots floating in space to die. The coms were alive with chatter amongst the chaos were a wing of vultures flying in close formation destroying any ship getting in their path. 'This must be our contact.' Before we could make contact we had to start destroying the system defense ships, defending the colony.

The battle rages for a few hours ship after ship being destroyed by the combination of our fire power without even using our coms. Victor and I seem to be playing off each others skill, I would chase defense ships straight into the line of his guns. It seemed as if we had done this many times, but I had only met this man earlier today. Fairly quickly we had managed to reduce the enemies numbers down to a manageable level. I send a transmission to Marra "you're all clear to make your assault. We will clear up any stragglers here before we leave."
"Okay. Thanks for the assist we will take it from here." Came the reply and I see the lead Vulture swing hard towards the planet and quickly descend towards the surface followed by the rest of her wing.
We hold the battle for a few more minuets making quick work of the pilots that were still foolish enough to still be trying to fight a battle that they had quite clearly lost. Before setting course back to Tjakiri, but before I manage to activate my jump, a transmission from Victor comes through.

"Meet me at Dozois Mine" he says and then jumps out of the fight.

'Damn what now?' I think to myself redirecting the course to head to Dozois Mine.
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︎1 Shiny!
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