Logbook entry

Black Omega Revelations

03 Feb 2016Pahn
Arriving at the station I request permission to land. 'Where is he and how can he land a corvette here?'
I touch down on the medium pad and leave my ship. 'Well I guess I'll go find a bar to wait for him. turning to leave I was stopped in my tracks after hearing the sound of a Viper Mk IV. It soon landed and Victor departs it.
"So whats this all about?" I ask quickly before he can say anything "and what are we doing here?  But most importantly what the hell is Black Omega?" I demand glaring at him hands gripping my guns.
He chuckled slightly looking at my position unphased before commenting "Wow.. you do have a lot of questions don't you? But before I answer any of them let me ask you one thing." He stared at me with a knowing expression which made me even angrier, I prompted him to continue and eventually he did.

"Who are you?"

The question caught me completely off guard and I stuttered a reply "w-what? what the hell is that supposed to mean?"
"It's exactly what I asked. who are you? do you even know?"
"Of course I do! I am Pahn. Ex Imperial military commander of Arissa Lavigny-Duval. -" I started pride filling my voice but before I could continue he cut me off with a sigh.
"No. Who are you? What are your parents names? Where were you born?" He looked at my puzzled expression before shaking his head as if he was taking pity on me. "Since you're struggling so much with those questions I'll give you an easy one. What's your last name, Pahn?"
This completely stunned me and I thought, but answered quickly to make it seem like I wasn't thinking about it too much. "What kind of question is that? Of course I know..."
"Then what is it?"
"Uhh... Um... Its..um.." I paused for what seemed like hours stopped in my tracks trying to search through my memories for an answer, but couldn't seem to remember anything. Sighing in defeat I finally looked up at him "...I don't know..."

"Well then. Let me tell you what I know. Fifteen years ago I met a young pilot in a neutral medical station  during the war between the Empire and Federation. I was a Federation pilot and the girl I met was a pilot for the Empire. we'd both grown tired of the constant fighting, killing and powers that controlled our destinies. So together we abandoned our commissions and started our own unit. We had moderate success across the bubble only facing minor skirmishes and working for whoever payed the highest. Nine years had past since we started and our success was growing along with the operations we conducted to a point our original governments started taking notice of our exploits. Even they could not deny our success rate, other like minded people had started joining our ranks and we named the group: Black Omega. Eventually we were becoming so powerful that those who were nervous of what we were creating, set up a job perhaps the feared what we knew of their internal operations as we were both high ranking members of our individual powers and had clashed with both successfully several times. The job was escort duty to take high ranking delegates from the Empire and Federation to a meeting in neutral space. This was the biggest job we had ever undertaken. We knew many people would not want this meeting to take place and would want to sabotage it and the price tag was substantial so we brought every pilot we had to defend the transport... Long story short. It was a trap. They fell on us with an overwhelming force of ships from both factions including two capital ships; The Federations Diligent and The Empires Racario. We were destroyed, killed to the last man. For two years I thought you were dead. I saw your ship explode but I didn't realize that they'd found your body in space and took you back to Kamadhenu where they erased your mind. My guess? They figured you were more useful to them alive and back in the position you once held. And they were right over the next  two years you hunted down every remaining element of our organisation and destroyed it till no one even remembered who we were and what we did. I'll give you credit you were damn good at what you did. It didn't even take you long to destroy everything we worked for. Did they never tell you who you were hunting or why?"

"...No. I just followed orders. That was my job. Honestly I'd never even heard of The Black Omega before you said it all they told me is that I hunted terrorists and pirates."

"Hmm..." Victor paused as if weighing up my answer "I don't know your parent's names or where you were born, but in the nine years you were in Black Omega people had started to compare you to the center of the storm a situation or state of confused movement or violent turmoil. Maelstrom. Your name became Pahn Maelstrom. And it fits you now more than ever before."

"Yeah that seems familiar. Other Imperial pilots did use to call me the storm. They joked about it in the mess halls and on sortie's and patrols." I thought for long moments trying to remember. I knew he was right "I always knew something was wrong with my commission.... "But something doesn't make sense why did you come to save me? Why not just kill me? I was your enemy for five years."

"Yes that's true, but you were also my friend and partner for nine years before that and I always knew you were not what they made you to be. If it wasn't for that incident with the killing of that Imperial Admiral I would have never got the chance to talk to you and we would have eventually ended up killing each other. It took me a year to track you down to Tjakiri and when I saw you kill those agents I knew you were still that girl I met fifteen years ago in the middle of a war we had no place in. So what happened with that Admiral anyway?"

"Admiral Larian was my commanding officer after the pirate purge I worked under him aboard the Racario, He always liked me a little to much it was unprofessional he would try to push my anger up before saying something inappropriate. I hated him. Then one day he cornered me in his quarters after luring me there for the report of a deck sweep I had conducted. He attacked me tearing at my clothes telling me I was nothing more than a pirate whore, I fought him off but he was stronger than me so I drew my gun and before I could even think of what I was doing I fired." Remembering my anger at that time I clenched my fists gritting my teeth before continuing. "He slumped to the floor dead I knew no one would believe what had happened and as the security arrived and saw his body my thoughts were confirmed as they tried to shoot me while screaming down their coms that I was broken or something. I didn't hear it clearly through the sounds of gun fire. As I ran several other security officers tried to stop me but now I knew what I had to do and getting out alive was my only priority so without any further thought I shot them ...all..." I could still see their faces I knew these men we stationed together in Zeta Horologii and served aboard the Recario. "Ten maybe twelve of them  I cant remember now but I made my way to the ships hanger deck and took an Eagle and blasted out of there. I sold the eagle and with the money I had saved from 5 years service I bought a Cobra mkIII and traded,smuggled and and killed my way to Tjakiri I have been there for a few months now it was starting to feel like home." It felt good to finally tell some one what had happened but before I let my feeling get the better of me I changed the subject "So whats your plan now?"

"Revenge." His tone had become cold. "We put Black Omega back together. That'll piss a lot of people off. I already have a few loyal people working on that now but first we need you to die once and for all."

These were not the words I expected and I drew my guns straight away, but Victor swiftly placed his hands over my guns lowering them before I shot.

"No not like that. Just come with me." He'd turned towards his Viper I still had my guns trained on him, but he made no move to attack so I re-holstered them and followed suspiciously.
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