Logbook entry

Black Omega The Set Up

08 Feb 2016Pahn
Victor opened his cargo bay and entered I follow slowly not sure what to expect. I should've been more prepared for what I saw next, but because I wasn't I stared horrified at the six cooled body bags of the five agents who were sent to kill me. They were lined up in coolant bags in his hull along side with a young blonde girl who looked some what like myself.

"Whats this all about Victor?" I asked suspiciously glancing over at him.
"Ahh.  its very simple actually. You see this is a prison mine, but not the prison its self. Fighting here will be limited, but we are going to make sure this place is taken over. We'll also make sure that these bodies will be found. After the bodies are found it will look like they've tracked you down here and you all killed each other in the haziness of the riot. No one will look too deep into the true identities of these people. The Empire will be informed that their people were killed here along side with you. Meaning you will need to lose that old
Empire uniform you still wear and dress the girl in it she will also need your i.d. chips. Once that's done we place these bodies in a suitable place where they wont be disturbed by the riot that's about to happen here."
"So what will I be wearing then?" I ask smirking mischievously "Unless..." I stop looking up at him making him furrow his brows in confusion "unless what?" he asked
"Well... Unless you expect me to do the rest of this naked?"
"Go to the crew cabin to change you'll find a nice new suit there.. Now hurry." I pouted slightly thinking he was no fun and started towards the girl before his voice stopped me
"Oh and Pahn make sure to remove the guns as well."
I drag the girls body bag down the thin corridor to the Viper's crew cab and entered the room.

There was a red and black flight suit in clear plastic wrapping on the table along with a long black trench coat hung up on the chair with a pair of auto pistols in holsters. After unwrapping the flight suit I observe the design. It was mainly red with black omega's with skulls on the inside. There also seemed to be a black collar with another omega on it. The rest of it was a skin tight red. Some black gloves with a small white frill at the top were also included. I quickly change into the new outfit. I was surprised as they fit me perfectly. I strapped the gun belt on and I drew one of the pistols and look at it. It looked familiar and had a white pearl hand grip with another omega with a skull in it portrayed on the grip. "I definitely know these guns.." I mutter to myself "these are my guns..."

I dressed the girl quickly; her skin cold and clammy. It was like she had only just been killed. Two bullet holes present in her back, just like how I was shot earlier. The sight of the wounds making me remember the pain of my own. Just as I wince slightly from the pain of it and think further on the pain shooting down my spine. Victor entered the cabin "Ahh good. I see you're all ready then?"
"Don't you know how to knock?"
"We don't have the time. Come along."
"Yeah 'course, but just one thing is t-"  before I could even ask Victor had answered my question. "Yes Pahn that is your black omega flight suit. I'm glad it still fits you" I went to say something, but he continued  "and yes they are your guns. Anyway how many times must I tell you to hurry? We must be quick this actually does have a time limit to it."   

We acquired a cargo handler trolley from the dock and some transport creates. Victor payed off a couple of dock hands telling them that they saw nothing or they really would be seeing nothing. His threat seemed a little to clever for these prisoners who were forced to work the dock. I figured they must've been low risk prisoners to be working here. But then again that had nothing to do with me. We piled the body bags into the transport credits and started to head towards the crew decks of the station. Most of the civilians who worked the station had been evacuated so the lower decks were deserted. We turned down another corridor towards the power generators. "Here will do." Victor said as we entered a power cell storage room. We quickly arranged the two agents victor had killed at the far end of the corridor and the three I had shot inside the room. The girl's body was placed in the doorway. Her body stopped the automatic sliding door from closing. Victor then placed the weapons on the bodies and observed the scene he had recreated. "Just one final thing" he said moving and taking my old gun and shooting the two agents that he had killed several times in the chest. "There that should be fine." Victor muttered calmly looking at me "That should be enough for no one to look too closely at the difference between the bullet wounds from your guns to mine." It was strange I had never noticed Victor's gun and I still could not see it under his long coat. I knew, however, that there was no time to think about it "come on lets go. we have to get back to the hanger. I've arranged for us to have allies turning up there soon and it would be rude to keep them waiting" Victor commanded and with that we both ran back up the same corridor that we'd taken pulling the cargo handler trolley with us back towards the hanger dock.
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︎1 Shiny!
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