Logbook entry

Black Omega Takeover

16 Feb 2016Pahn
We make it back to the hangar as another ship docks. Its a Keelback with Imperial marking. I start to prepare for a fight. Victor, however, just laughs.

“You really are always ready to shoot your way out of everything, aren't you?"

His obvious amusement startles me. This was the first time that I recall that I'd seen him look like he was actually enjoying himself, he was usually so serious. When I was talking to him in the back of Deggie's bar, I would never have imagined that even someone like him could have fun. I grunt in disapproval. "You should know that I dislike being made fun of" I remark.

The ramp of the Keelback touches the deck and the door slides open. A thin man wearing the same black flight suit and coat as Victor starts to walk down the gangway towards us. Victor smiles before outstretching his arms and opening his palms towards the man, as if gesturing for me to look at him. He then looked at him with a smile before looking back at me.

"Well then Pahn, allow me to introduce you to our resident hacker and personal comedian Gizmo."
"Gizmo?" I repeat with confusion in my voice "that's a funny name."
"That's 'cus I is a very funny guy!" The guy said with a jokey tone. He was smiling widely offering me his hand to shake.
"Anything you want opened or locked, I can do that. Information? No problem! And if you just want something plain erased from existence then I'm your man! I'm very skilled in all of this!" He chuckled, beaming with pride.

Observing him more closely, he looked like a smart well groomed man. He wouldn't look out of place working in a corporate office. Nothing about him seemed as though he was anything more than just an office worker or a government employee.

"I brought you that ship you asked for, but it seems a shame to just leave it here. There will be some nice imperial information in those hard drives. Very juicy stuff."

"Not this time Giz" answered Victor still with a smile and amusement in his voice. "This time we need it to look like some agents landed here to hunt down our friend. This here -” he pointed to the ship on the pad “is your agents ship, Pahn. Now we need to get to the Operations Room and change the landing time logs to correlate to our dead agents in the Power Room. While we're there we should place a system hack that will make another job a lot easier later."
"And I suppose you have a plan for that too right?" I ask sarcastically.
Victor just smiled.
"Lets go!"
It seemed like he was actually starting to enjoy this.

We move through the station quickly to the corridor leading to the Operation Room. Two guards stood outside the security door. "Okay. Here's the plan:" Victor begins, still quite cheerfully "see above the guards there, is a vent that leads straight into the Operation room. Now that door is blast sealed unless someone inside opens it. We'll never get past it, so I'm going up through that vent that'll get into the room to open the door for you. There will be about fifty men in there; twenty operators and about thirty security guards as the station is on riot lock-down. It will be hot in there by the time that door opens so be ready for a fight as soon as it does. Got it?" He looked at us, watching us nod in approval before continuing.

"Good. Stay here" he commanded. And before either of us could say a thing he turned away and casually walked up the corridor towards the guards. He hid his hands behind his back as he approached them whistling. He spoke calmly to one as he reached arm's distance.
"G'day fellas, having a good watch?"
"Hold it right there." Answered the guard, pointing his shotgun towards Victor's chest. Before the guard could do anything, in one swift move Victor stepped to the side, avoided the gun and pulled a large blade from under his jacket behind his back. He spun round and sliced the other guard's throat, and then reversing his spin he stabbed the first guard in the chest, leaving the blade in the man as the body slumped to the floor. Victor then took a point laser cutter from under his coat and quickly cut the vent from the ceiling, catching it before it hit the floor to prevent too much noise. Before jumping into the ventilation shaft he turned in our direction and gave us a thumbs up and a smile. He then proceeded to jump straight up into the vent, using the cut edges to clamber in before swiftly disappearing out of sight.

We carefully approached the door, where the guards now laid dead on the floor. I stared at the knife in the guard's chest. It was buried right up to the hilt in the man's body, but before I said anything about it Gizmo spoke glibly. "Well, there's no way to get that one back. It'll be stuck in there real tight." He reached down, picking up the shotgun "Probably gonna need this, huh?" he joked with a small laugh before looking up at me smiling. "Shame about the knife though. Victor loses so many knives that way." A few silent minutes pass, but the eerie silence was suddenly shattered by an alarm. Any guards in the nearby area were now on the lookout for intruders.

The security door slid open and I stood in the doorway staring at the floor looking solemn, deep in thought. The operation room staff stopped their attack on Victor and stared at me, stunned that I was there. I hardly noticed as the anger of six years of lies built up inside of me. The rage clouded my vision until all I could see was immanent death and blood stains. I looked up sharply, to the shock of a few onlookers, and before they had time to attack me I drew both my guns simultaneously and started firing. Victor fled from his previous position where several security personnel had been pinning him down to restrict him from firing and doing more damage. He had to escape being hit by my storm of bullets that tore through the men. Noticing he had taken cover I looked at where he was before. Multiple bodies lay on the floor. They'd all been killed silently with knives, and it looked as if just before the door had opened he'd been discovered and had been cornered.

He joined the shooting, drawing a silenced hand gun from inside his coat. He shot the three men closest to him with great accuracy; one shot each in the head. I barely notice firing my guns with quick success my blood-lust growing, watching the security guard's bodies go limp before falling to the ground, dead. Slowly walking forwards, taking out target after target, making sure to carefully observe their faces as they filled with fear watching me draw closer. I shot two shots each. One by one, walking closer, seeing everyone fall to my hail of fire. The guns felt so right in my hands, like they were alive. It was like I couldn't miss, and the guard's bullets brushed past me missing me completely. The men who fired the bullets were quickly dispatched in my advancing fury. I fire one of my guns and spin to dodge incoming fire. I then fire the other gun mercilessly, knowing that no one would get out alive. I saw that I could take cover, but saw no need for it. These fools didn't stand a chance against me, so I boldly advanced in, killing every one in my path.

Gizmo calmly slouched against the door, a shotgun in one hand that was resting by his side. He seemed to be doing some macabre calculation on a portable device in the other. From the corner of my eye I see a man running clumsily while stumbling panicked towards the door. He was just a bridge officer, unarmed, wanting to escape. I paid him little attention, but as he tried to exit the room Gizmo tripped him, and before the man could even stand Gizmo unloaded two rounds into his back without barely noting the occurrence. The sound of gun fire faded, yet the alarm was still blazing, and the last two men were cowering behind a Navigation Station. They called out their surrender, standing slowly with their hands raised. When they stood, Victor shot them both in the head effortlessly."No witnesses" he said calmly when I fired him a questioning look.

"Wow, Vic!" said Gizmo cheerfully as if he had just watched a comedy video "The way I work it you got twelve, not including the ones you killed on the way in. And of course that one fool I got trying to run. But apart from that, she killed all the rest. She really is all you said she was, Boss."
"Not now." replied Victor sharply "Get to what we came here to do."
"Sure thing, it'll just take a sec..." answered Gizmo in the same glib way as he skipped over bodies towards the dock record panel and attached his hand held device to it. Just then, I heard some one else approaching the door. I turn quickly and train my guns on the new guy now standing in the door way. I notice he is wearing the same black flight suit as Victor and Gizmo and hold my fire. He passes me a sideways smirk as his finger tightens on the trigger of the hand held grenade launcher he had aimed at my feet. He is tall and clean shaven, but his face bares the scars of many a battle. I lower my guns and nod.
"I got that prisoner transfer that you requested, Vic." The man says, still staring sideways at me and not releasing his hold on the trigger.
"Good. Send 'em in." Came Victor's answer. He seemed completely unphased by the man.
The man slowly turned and beckoned for around twenty prisoners to come in to the Operations Room.
"Hold this position and don't let any one in here, got it?" Victor ordered.
A tall thin prisoner holding a venting pipe answered Victor's demand "sure ting! No one gets in 'ere, owight boyz?" There is a rousing 'yeah' from the rest of the prisoners and then Victor turns to Gizmo impatiently "Are you done yet?"
"Well just about yeah." answered Gizmo, removing his device from the panel.
"Good. Lets go then."

We all joined up in the center of the room to make our way out, while behind us the prisoners started taking weapons from the bodies in the Operation Room. As we leave, Gizmo touches the panel outside of the door and it slides shut.

We run down the corridor for a while until we reach a service hatch. "Get to work on that, Giz" Victor instructs.
"No problem! it'll just take a sec" was Gizmo's cheerful response as he placed his device on the control panel.
The new man walked calmly down the corridor to the door leading to the hangar corridors.
"Who's that?" I quietly ask Victor
"They call him Scar. He's a freelance mercenary, no one knows his real name and I don't much like his methods either... But he gets the job done and he is one of us."
Before I can comment, Scar calls from the end of the corridor.
"We're going to have company. I reckon by the sound of it there is about one hundred security heading this way. The station's alarm must have alerted every guard on the station and now they're all coming our way." he was running down the corridor now, trying to gain ground on them.
"Hurry up, Giz!" Victor said with panicked urgency in his voice.
"Got it." Gizmo said as the service hatch slid open "Quick, everyone in the passage!"

It was a thin three by three foot tunnel. One after another, we entered. Gizmo entered last and accessed the interior panel to close the hatch. Just as it finished closing we hear the sound of marching troops passing by outside.
"They don't stand a chance in there." I mutter softly, referring to the prisoners in the Operations Room.
"Yeah, I know." answers Victor coldly."That's the point. Now lets go, this tunnel should lead straight to the hangar deck, and to our way off this station."
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︎3 Shiny!
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