Logbook entry

Black Omega Home Comeing

13 Mar 2016Pahn
After walking several corridors we arrive at the intersection to the breaker room. Drawing my guns I round the corner leading to breaker room door and aim preparing to fire. Suddenly, Scar who was right behind me pushes me to the floor before ducking back in around the corner. A hail of bullets come flying down the corridor from the breaker room towards our position, as I fall I let off several shots from both my guns striking the two men closest, bullets bounced from their armor hitting one in a joint in the armor taking out his knee the other guard grabbed him before he fell and pulls him to cover behind one of the many support pillars that line this corridor. The rest cease fire taking cover themselves. I hit the floor with a thump which sent shocks of pain running down my back and leaving me breathless. The pain of the fall and my newly reopened wounds was overwhelming, I felt as if I was about to pass out.  
"Shit they're wearing armor" I warned through clenched teeth trying to hold back the pain "they knew we were coming!" There were a lot more of them than I had expected.
"We have a mole." Shouts Victor drawing his silenced hand gun Gizmo reached into his coat pulling an odd device and tossing it around the corner towards the guards, it landed about halfway between me and the closest guard exploding sending bright colored lights into the air that hung there dazzling anyone foolish enough to look directly at them which completely obscured the view. Scar oblivious to the warnings drew his heavy assault gun from his back and stepped back around the corner. The Guards who had taken cover after I had fired at them now resumed their attack although the light show made it impossible to see what they were shooting at. Shots bounced off the corridor walls and Scar's armor, but it seemed he didn't care as he began to blindly fire full automatic up the corridor.

I composed myself, but did not stand as I continued to try holding back the pain and took aim up the corridor trying to pick out a target through the dazzling light display that was now starting to dissipate, the glowing balls of light slowly drifting towards the floor. The shots had again stopped being returned by the guards as they hurried to take cover now from the stream of large caliber bullets rapidly flying towards them and Scar's chorus of hollers and screams.  
"Arghhh!!!" There was a real sense of anger in his yells.
"No one kills Pahn but me!" He called out with a growl in his voice as bullets flew from his weapon towards the breaker room. I could now start to make out two men laying dead on the ground, massive holes torn through their bloody bodies Six more were ducking for cover behind the support pillars. but as the visual obstruction between us was now gone their attempts to hide were futile, shots cut through pillars, walls, the doors, and the men trying to take cover. Scar walked down the corridor chuckling with a wide smirk "after all she could kill me in her sleep." His yells subsided and he cackled turning to face any man still living releasing round after round of continuous fire into them, the massive shells tearing through their armor and dismembering limbs.

Picking myself up from the floor I start down the corridor towards Scar and the ever increasing chaos in front of him. I holstered my guns, there was nothing for me to do here, the maniac in front of me had already cleared out all the enemies. Scar marched forwards laughing maniacally, he wasn't even aiming any more he was just putting holes in everything until no one was left standing, unloading rounds into the dead and dying alike and only stopping firing when he reached the now bullets ridden door to the breaker room, he turned to face us with a wide grin "well guess we don't need to hack this door to open it." he snickered as the wrecked door fell from its mounts with a crash to the floor behind him reveling the true extent of the carnage. Bodies were strewn every where most in a blood soaked pile behind where the door once stood the shots had torn through the door sending shards of metal and bullet fragments into these people killing them before they could open it or even see who was shooting at them.

Turning and stepping over the door he pushed the pile of bodies aside and entered the room. Looking to his side he see's a man crawling on the ground wounded from the hail of fire the man looks up towards him and pleads for mercy as Scar unloads the remainder of his magazine into the wounded man.

I walk up the corridor surveying the damage. There were bullet holes in everything the walls, the support pillars, the ceiling, the floor, and the door that had lead to the breaker room which now laid on the floor. Scar smiles as he walks past me back down the corridor and I smile back, this man was unorthodox but as Victor said he gets the job done.

Victor steps around the corner heading towards me and Scar, as the two men pass I notice Victor pass Scar a disapproving look shaking his head, but saying nothing. He was closely followed by Gizmo. Passing me they enter the breaker room. Gizmo starts stepping over bodies searching for a terminal that has not been wrecked by shrapnel and bullet holes he finally finds one at the back of the room and connects his hand held devise to it. Victor appeared to be marveling at the shear amount of damage that had been done inside the breaker room the breakers had been mostly shielded from the destruction as they sat to each side, clear of the doorway, but the rest of the room including several control consoles, room dividers and the power output screen were all wrecked "this place is trashed" He finally stated shaking his head.
I look at the bodies laying on on ground, they had multiple large wounds in them their blood dyeing the floor red, wet and slippery. Amongst the bodies strewn at our feet were about seven men and one woman. Nine further men were in the corridor but my eyes were drawn to the girl. The woman was not wearing a security uniform or armor, but instead was wearing an operators suit.

"Hey Victor? Do you recognize her?" I ask pointing at the woman.
Victor came over to me and looks at the woman "yeah she was a bridge officer here. I got the data of your arrival here from her about two weeks ago. Come to think of it I guess she must've also sold that information to the empire when she looked into who you were, she must be our mole."
I looked at Victor suspiciously. "You knew she would look into my details didn't you. You knew she would contact the empire to claim the bounty they have on me. You set this all up."
"Now that's a bit of a stretch" he answered sarcastically "but yes you're right. I knew she would go to the empire. I needed to know if you were really a fugitive or whether it was a ploy to lure me out." Victor stepped back gazing towards my guns with his hands behind his back.
This was it the moment he had expected when I found out he had set me up and all he was waiting for now was how I would react. I knew he acted in self preservation, after all I had been on an extermination mission against anyone the empire deemed a pirate, and from what he had told me I had in the process destroyed Black Omega the organisation we had built many years ago. I looked trough the doorway to see where Scar had gone, he was nowhere in sight.
The power suddenly went down all the lights in the station went out, my hand twitched towards my gun from the sudden delumination.  I still knew exactly where Victor and Gizmo stood my guess was that Victor also knew where I was. In the dark this would be a deadly confrontation although I still knew little of his skills. He had dispatched two guards outside the operation room with ease and although I had no idea about what had happened inside that room he had killed at least four before he had been spotted and his accuracy was exemplary when he did draw a gun, we would most likely both die. The emergency lighting flicked on and a red light filled the station. Victor and I stood still staring at each other in silence.

"Its dark!" Gizmo stated cheerfully oblivious to what we were doing. "Well I guess now we find out if that station information we stole from from Dozois Mine will work." Victor and I both turned our heads to face Gizmo as he places another mobile device on the terminal. "I'm imputing security override codes from Dozois now." He pauses. "The moment of truth." He states clicking the activate on his device.
A few moments passed and then a feminine robotic voice from the terminal announces "Security protocols reset full access granted." Gizmo clenched his fists punching the air in victory. "Yes!"
Victor turns back to look at me and throws a portable com my way, I catch it as he says. "Better call Deggie tell him we are ready, just press dial." I clicked the dial icon on the screen.

"Aye I got ya signal lass every things ready here." Answered Deggie before I could even speak. "Now can ya put the power back on my coolers are off and I got more than ice in 'um that I don't need thawing if you get my meaning." And with that Deggie hangs up.
"The hacks in place boss, you were right, I'm turning the power back on now" Gizmo proclaims proudly.
"Good  now we just let our people do the rest should be over before we get to the club." Victor cast a glance at me to see what I would do.
I shrugged "No biggie Victor I get it, you had to be sure right?" Laughing I turn and walk out of the room before turning to face him. "Just next time try to do it without me having to get shot" I walked from the room Gizmo had started back towards the entrance passing Victor on the way out remarking "you were wrong about her you know. She don't always think with her guns or we'd all be likely dead now" he had not been as oblivious to what had happened in the room as I'd thought.

I reached the end of the corridor where Scar was leaning against the wall smoking a joint "so you and Vic sorted your differences then?" He passed me the joint, I took it and took a drag of it. "Shame really I wanted to see which one of you would win." He smiled his sideways smile that he had given me the first time I saw him, I coughed as I tried to laugh passing him back his joint. We were soon joined by Gizmo and Victor. "So we're off then?" Scar asked.  

"Nah not you!" Victor answered laughing. "You got these fellas to get rid of." Pointing back up the corridor. "This was your mess so you get to clean it and it looks like it may get messy. Remember no one finds these bodies Scar, we don't want to create unnecessary unrest amongst the rest of the security who we will need when the takeover is complete. Space 'um!"
Scar stood from he casual lean and started towards the closest body with a scowl.
"Pahn you should help him... Oh! and give Gizmo your access chips to all your ships, he'll need them to go change the pilot ID on them." Victor instructs.
Reaching into my new long black coat I find my access chips and hand them to Gizmo.

I walk around the corner past Scar who was dragging a torso trailing blood towards the air lock and I grab the closest whole body by the legs and start pulling it towards the air lock.
"Okay I'm going to the operations room to make sure everything goes as planned." Announces Victor walking towards the transport tubes with Gizmo."We all meet up tomorrow at ten PM outside Deggies. Don't be late." He warned and I turned my attention to the man I was dragging, he was wearing body armor which had a number of large fist sized holes in it,still this increased his weight substantially and I was struggling my wounds still causing me pain. Scar walked up next to me and takes hold of one leg and starts to help me. I look towards him smiling slightly the puff on his joint had made me feel a lot more relaxed. "Hey thanks for the save back there" I say quietly
"Nahh I meant what I said. If any ones going to kill you, it will be me!" He answered solemnly. "Until then its my job to keep you alive no matter what." Without a second glance he turned his head back to face the body and continued to drag it.
"Well!" I retort quickly. "Lets hope it never comes to that shall we!" I look at him and wink playfully
"We can but hope"  He says with a smile and we continue dragging the body to the air lock leaving a thick trail of blood behind us, reaching the air lock we shove the body in on top of the torso Scar had dragged there previously.

We start to walk back to the breaker room corridor, but as we arrive Scar stops me before I could walk up it.
"You hide it well" he states before glancing behind me as if looking at my back "but you can't hide it from me you need to get medical help soon."
"Concerned?" I tease "About little old me?~" nudging him with a sing song tone to mock him further and smiling "Aw you shouldn't."
"Well it'd be a shame to have done all that work to make you seem dead if you really die now wouldn't it." He answered laughing "But I guess its up to you" He gestured towards the transport tubes "Go on get out of here. I'll deal with this see you tomorrow."

I smile and nod my approval and take one last look around at the devastation in the corridor leading to the breaker room and shrug, turning I head off to the transport tubes.
I don't trust many people so I chose to go to Deggie's club he had removed the bullets and sowed me up before and I hoped he would help me again. There was a lot of activity in the halls and corridors of the station as I walked to Deggie's panicked people roaming around gossiping wondering why the stations power had failed, while others who knew it was a signal moved to take key positions in the station there were people everywhere bustling around and confused.
I reached the door to the club. A sign on the door read 'CLOSED' in big red letters I tried the door anyway. It slid open revealing the lowly lit club with Deggie standing behind the bar cleaning glasses with a cloth. "Aye lass how can I help you tonight. Drink or maybe something stronger?"  Deggie called out as I entered.
"No thanks. I was wondering if you could take another look at these wounds for me?"
"Aye I could do that" Answered Deggie softly "Come on in" He beckoned.

Clair dock Wednesday 10:30 PM

I woke drowsily I must have fallen asleep in Deggie's private room again. The last thing I remember was Deggie handing me a bottle of strange liquor and saying half and half, I had drunk half the bottle in one swig and could remember the pain as Deggie poured the other half over the wounds on my back I must have passed out. I had a blanket over me and my flight suit had been pulled back over my shoulders and fastened. I could feel my wounds had been re stitched and bandaged. There was still pain and I needed a bath but at least I wasn't bleeding. Relieved I grabbed my coat from on a small table next to the couch I was asleep on and left the room. The club was already full of people, I looked to the bar for Deggie but he was not there, I was late so I left quickly deciding to see Deggie and thank him later.

There were people millying around all over the station people who only yesterday were wearing jet society uniforms now dawning the black fight suits and long coats of Black Omega. Victor arrived as I exited the club.
"Your late!"  I joke remembering what he had said outside the breaker room. He smiled but before he could answer Scar arrived "Looks like everything went well."  He said glancing slowly at me with his sideways smile before facing Victor.
"Yes most of the jet society member we had not bought did just as we expected when faced with converting to us or death and some credits were a good incentive too. There were a few incidents but nothing we can't handle. Looks like we're golden." Victor announced smiling and looking towards me.
I looking at Victor quizzically. "I seem to remember we did something like this once before didn't we?" I ask rhetorically "but as I recall then we had a large organized force backing us and a lot of money!" My memory was fading in and out but I was sure I was right.
"You do? Well that's a good thing." Victor replies. "Yes we were lucky here; when I arrived in Clair Dock I asked around as you do on a station full of pirates" nodding in my direction "probably much the same as you did." He paused  "Who is the man with the most influence in the station?  and every answer I got was Degginal de Verre We really couldn't have pulled this off without him and he'll be instrumental in the days to come, but enough of that for now. here comes Gizmo."
"Ah sorry I'm late guys! It took a little time to change the ID tags on all of your ships. Ha you've must've been busy here Pahn. Five ships is a lot."
"Five ships?" I ask "I left my Python back in Vishkyamu so I now only own four ships."
"Well you have a Python down on bay seven" Gizmo answers bluntly " 'nd oddly it was already in your new name! Here's your access chips and new ID! you're now Pahn Maelstrom born on Tun a federation system." I look at Victor.
"The empire will know its you if they look closely at your documents, but there is nothing they can really do. Officially you will have been dead months maybe years before they even find out. The name... Well lets just say its to spite them. You're a federation citizen now. As for the Python, call a a gift from me to you." He explained with a smile.

Deggie's club was busy tonight, many of the old jet society members now frequented the club the only difference being they now wore Black Omega Uniforms. The take over was so swift barely anyone had been killed.
I wondered to myself as we entered the club 'was Victor really so prepared with all these resources, credits and people to have planned all this or could there be someone else a sort of shadow leader I hadn't met yet?' but my thoughts were quickly abandoned as Deggie's voice filled the club and everyone gathered fell silent.

"Free drinks on the house for everyone complements of our new station commanders!" He raised a strange bottle of liquor high in the air as a salute and Victor took a bottle of Whisky from a nearby table and raised it back.
"Its a new day" he announced loudly "and only the beginning. We'll just have to see where it goes from here. cheers!"
There was a rousing chorus of voices all around the bar as we made our way to an alcove in the corner of the club and sat. Scar and Gizmo stayed standing by the entrance to the alcove and we were joined by several other men wearing body armor I could see Scar's hand tapping the stock of the assault riffle he was carrying as if prepared at any moment to unleash chaos on the clubs occupants. My thoughts drifted to Deggie he had stitched me up again and I'd never thanked him properly for it. Now would be a good time.

I turned to look at the bar; there was a woman with black dreadlocks leaning on it talking with Deggie and it seemed as if they were in deep conversation. He obviously knew this woman well and it would be impolite of me to interrupt them. So I turned back to the table "I'll see him later" I muttered silently before looking at Victor "So what do we do now?" I ask already knowing what he was about to say.
Victor and I spoke in unison "who know maybe we take over the galaxy" we laughed together. It was good to be  home!
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