Logbook entry

Black Omega Return To Tjakiri

27 Feb 2016Pahn
Around twenty minutes pass while we were crawling down the thin service tube towards the hanger bay, the alarm still blaring loudly around us. By now a full scale riot will be underway and by the end of the day the operations room will have been captured and retaken many times. As we moved through the service vents Gizmo explained Victor had told him about the fact that all start up codes on stations were the same so he had planted a hack on the security logs that allowed him to access these codes that would allow anyone to open any security door on the station.

I now understood, this is what Victor had meant when he said that we would make sure this place fell as well. In the on-sewing riots it wouldn't matter who wins any evidence we were here would have been destroyed and the bodies in the power room will not be questioned. I was impressed it really was quite a good plan.
My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Gizmo's glib voice behind me "with any luck there wont be any one waiting for us when we get out or you guys may have more work to do." He was right the whole station would be fighting and the hanger deck will have been locked down and guarded. I tried not to think about it. We had made some tight turns in this tube and my wounds were beginning to reopen.
"Nearly there" called Victor back to us "just around this bend" I felt the stitches break in my back as I rounded the sharp bend in the tube, I winced in pain the quickly chocked it up as I felt the warm blood start to run down my back. Victor reached the end of the tube to another hatch. Gizmo slid the portable device up the corridor to Victor.

"Just put it to the panel and click activate it'll take a few secs and then wah-lah."
The hatch creaked open and Victor slid out of the tube quietly, looking around before announcing "coasts clear, lets go." We all exit from the tube and look around the entrances to the hanger bay were barricaded, there were guards huddled behind them and the doors were wide open with the bodies of numerous prisoners dead or dying laying in the doorway the guards were focused on what would come from in front. They were too distracted to see us so we run across the deck to where our ships were docked. Before I could enter my Python, Victor stops me "no." he says before continuing "sorry, but that's got to stay." He said shaking his head.

"What." I answer bluntly. "Why!? That cost me a lot of credits and its A rated and its the best it can be and..." I wanted to continue my rant but was silenced when Victor placed his finger to my lips still shaking his head.
"You know why, if you take that then the rouse will not work. Your body in the power room, the agents bodies in the power room their ship in the hanger and your ship in the hanger." I pulled away from his finger sharply the pain from my wounds sending a shock straight down my spine. I tuned away hoping no one had seen it and look at my ship one last time I knew he was right. "Fine." I finally say "lets go."
Scar and Gizmo had already started to board Victors Viper so we both ran to the cargo ramp and closed it behind us.
"I am going to need Gizmo up the front so he can explain to me how his data hack will work. You and Scar should go to the crew cab and relax while you can. We still have things to do." Advised Victor casting Scar a nod.

I walked down the short corridor to the crew cab I could sense Scar walking closely behind me as I enter the room. This man made me nervous. He was dangerous. I could sense it. Why did Victor tell us both to come here? Why did he nod? Was he here to kill me? I shake my head, the current loss of my blood was making me paranoid. No if Victor had wanted me dead then why would we just go through with this convoluted plan to fake my death. I sat down on a large comfortable chair the sort of seat not normally found in the small cab inside a Viper and slouched back in it. It felt good to relax the pain of the reopened wounds was overwhelming and I had lost a lot of blood, my vision started to blur. Scar rested his grenade launcher against the chair my coat had been on when I first entered this room some hours ago before he sat on it  pulling some papers from his jacket. I watched him trying to figure out what he was doing before I realized he was starting to roll a joint he looked up at me for a second noticing me watch him "smoke?" He offered handing me some weed and papers.
"No thanks I quit." I said not wanting to offend him despite having no idea how to even roll up a joint let alone smoke one.
I watched Scar raise an eyebrow before he chuckled softly "that's cool, leaves more for me." He winked before lighting his joint. The smell was strong and intoxicating. It strangely made me feel more relaxed. I closed my eyes putting my head back into the seats headrest.

"Don't get to comfortable." His voice brung me back to my senses and I opened my eyes quickly half expecting him to have a gun trained on me, but he was just sitting back in his seat puffing on his joint "I saw the mess you made in that op room." I could hear the faint sound of admiration in his words. "Fine work yes. Fine, fine work." Scar smirked slightly "maybe, just maybe you're as good as me."
"Really?" I answer quickly confused by his comment was he trying to start a fight?
"Yep when Vic said we was going to recruit you I told him we didn't need you. You're the enemy. And if we need a killing machine I thought I was the best... But he insisted, said he was going to show us why we needed you. Me and Giz thought he was mad, I told him I should just kill you.."  He paused eyes narrowing, glaring at me. His fingers twitched as if he was going to go for a gun or a knife. He looked murderous. It made me slightly nervous then he continued.
"He was right, you are good...  Maybe even better than me." He nodded before looking down shaking his head slowly.
"I wouldn't have done it the way you did, but I would have done it." I knew he was goading me to react.
"What with that hand cannon you were holding" I answer bluntly pointing at the grenade launcher "you would have destroyed every work station in there and that would have accomplished nothing."
"Ahh yes that's true." Came his sharp reply "but remember we would not have needed to access information on those consoles if we were not trying to make you look dead. All we needed was the access codes for the stations security doors. Any console in there could have given us those." He sat back relaxed in his chair smirking and taking a deep drag of his joint.
"Hmm." I hummed as I rested back into my chair. If this was how he wanted it to go I was ready.
"Any time your ready then merc.." I challenged closing my eyes, my hands already tracking the motions of his movements I didn't need to see him if he so much as flinched he would be dead but there was no sound no comeback only the sound of him taking another drag on his joint. I smiled again feeling victorious and put my feet up on the table.

The jolt of the ship touching down makes me wake with a start, I must have fallen asleep. I open my eyes to see Scar just finishing his joint. "Good morning sleepy head." He mocked with a chuckle standing up and starting to buckle on a suit of full heavy body armor. I stand and slightly wince, my wounds still coursing pain down my back. I should have re-bandaged it or something while we were in flight, but I hadn't wanted to remove my fight suit top in front of this man. I didn't even want him to know I was in pain.
"Come on then we still got work to do before you bleed to death" Scar said after pulling on his last boot leaving the grenade launcher where it rested he opened a locker in the cab and removed a heavy assault gun, turning to me he smiled at my horrified look
"How did you know I was bleeding? The blood is contained inside my suit."
"I can smell it." he remarked bluntly "its the wound from this morning, not fresh. Now lets go."
He opens the cab door just as Victor and Gizmo pass towards the cargo bay I followed Scar out of the cab and towards the cargo bay. We were in Clair Dock Tjakiri.

We all gathered on the launch pad outside the ship, everyone stared at Victor for guidance.
"Ok we will need to act quickly." Victor began "Archon Delaine has been attempting to influence things here, and there are a lot of imperials around but they will stay clear of here for the most part, that's our cover, everyone will be to busy to notice what we are doing." Victor turned to me and winked." "Operation Insurrection is all go and we need to shut the stations power down."
"What?" I ask confused, but Victor provides no clues turning towards me he smiles. "You know operation insurrection remember?"
"I don't know wh - what you're..." I began stopping in my sentence stuttering... I did remember.
"Yes I remember" I muttered to myself. 
"We need to get to the breaker room come on lets go." Forgetting the pain of my wounds I start to run towards the transport tube followed by the rest of the team, we enter the car and I say 'breaker room level three' the car takes off towards the destination .
"Well.. Then what?" Victor looks as me still smiling.
"Ahh um Well we get in to breaker room three to shut down the power after five minutes or so.. The station security protocols will activate emergency procedure leaving its systems open to our hack that will allow us to input the default station codes we stole from Dozois Mine. All the stations breaker rooms are linked through breaker three. If that one goes down they all will as it is the central breaker in the system." I scratch my head thinking about what I should say next I remember doing something like this before, but it was still a little hazy. I remember being in the down below of this station so I continued with what I had learned from just snooping around. "There should be about ten security personnel guarding it." With a quick thought I turn to Gizmo "Have we bought them Giz?"
Gizmo smiled casting a glance at Victor before tuning back. "No boss." He replied. "We only could buy the Operations people and some of the higher tier Security, these lower security officers change shifts to much. A bit of a high turn over round here" he joked suggesting that security was a precarious job on a station run by pirates.
"Okay we will need to take them out there will be 4 on the outside if we are lucky and if we make enough noise the others will open the door resistance should be light and that's our queue to get in."
Victor continued from where I left off. "Gizmo will need to cut the power and place the hack created in the operation room on Dozois Mine, and when the power comes back online all the work you did setting up sleeper agents in key positions on the station will have their signal, right Giz?"
"Right Vic. The security doors will all be accessible by our operatives and we will have access to the whole station." Gizmo paused for a second before stating "that's if your theory on all stations in Pegasi Sector using the same lock down codes." He said looking at Victor.
Victor smiled a knowing smile "Ten years ago me and a close friend discovered that a lot of the older stations in the system all used the same access codes set into them on manufacture, we went on discover that a lot of station operators didn't know how to personalize the codes as was intended on the stations placements." He looked at me waiting for me to say something.
"We did this plan before to access unauthorized area's and undermine stations." I looked at the floor searching my memories but it was all very confused looking up at Victor I say "well we better hope that Pegasi don't have competent station operators and that your people are ready to act."
Victor smiled "this station and competent are two things that should never be said in the same sentence the codes will work." The car comes to a stop to level three and the breaker room.  
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︎1 Shiny!
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