Logbook entry

3292 - 3298 IMPERIAL NAVY

24th August 3292 Titus Cromwell began his career in the Imperial Navy as a Master and Commander of an Imperial Courier.

While serving in the Imperial Navy he was responsible for crushing the Plebe Mutiny in the Adan System. This was accomplished principally by two methods.

First, he instituted a policy of starvation by systematically withholding the daily food rations of cooperative, anarchy and confederate controlled stations and settlements. Second, he began a program of indiscriminate carpet bombing of key or suspected criminal cities and settlements.

Upon the successfully subjugating the insurrection he established a military tribunal. The tribunal’s verdict was decimation of 1 in 20. Over the next several weeks 5% of Adan’s adult population over 18 years old was decimated regardless to any person’s particular situation or station.

The plebe mutiny in Adan ended. The system as been a model of Imperial allegiance ever since.

In addition, during his service with the fleet he was awarded several medals for valor. He is personally responsible for the destruction of numerous Federation corvettes, gun ships and assault ships. Naturally, he was obligated to massacre the surviving Federation crews for humanitarian reasons.

In the fall of 3298, after a little over six years’ service Titus Cromwell resigned from the Imperial Fleet. His final assignment was as a Duke commanding an Imperial Cutter. Upon leaving the Imperial Navy Cromwell joined the Imperial Internal Security Service.
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