Logbook entry

The Road to Privateering

After several interviews and briefings both the Imperial Navy and Imperial Internal Security Service both agreed that Titus Cromwell would best serve the Empire in an unconventional role. Neither agency thought the formal rigidness and hierarchy of their respective organizations would make best use of Titus qualities in the coming wars. Instead, he was provided Letters of Marque as a privateer.

There was no time to reconsider. On November 5, 3306 the Imperial Navy was attacked by Federation forces while attempting to legally apprehend NMLA animals in LTT 1935. The Federation’s disregard for the rule of law and civility were on full display for the galaxy to witness.

Titus quickly assembled a fighting squadron comprised of mostly green recruits and set off for HTT 1935. The fighting was the most vicious he had ever seen. Long held resentments and hatred on both sides ruled the battle space. Ejected pilots from destroyed ships were gunned down without mercy. Squadron after squadron poured into the battle space. Neither side gave quarter, and none was expected.

After several losses it was evident more seasoned pilots were needed to win the battle. After the Imperial defeat in LTT 1935 Titus began to train his volunteer squadron. It seemed there was something amiss with these newer, younger pilots.

In April 3307 Titus’ volunteer squadron took part in the Empire’s attack and defeat of the Neo-Marlinist Order of Mudhrid in the Mudhrid system. Final victory came on April 8th.
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