Cmdr Dren Dakar
Courier / Wanderer
Registered ship name
Louisiana Lucy
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Cobra Mk III MV-07C
Overall assets

Logbook entry

CMDR Log /Dren Dakar/03-27-2022/

27 Mar 2022Dren Dakar
Begin Log /03-27-2022/

>Ran full selection of "Basic Training Simulations"
^Real smooth, somehow feels like I've done this before.

>Moved further abroad.
^Found promising independent system.
^Found a solid system after looking for close systems with shipyards, Luan Yun Di. Gaiman Dock will be my initial base of operations.

>Pilots Federation District Permit revoked. (No longer have access to greenhorn space)
^This is a wonderful success and sign that things a rolling right along.
^My personal fortunes will continue to grow!

>Flew several Courier and Tiny Cargo Haul missions out of Gaiman Dock.
^Faction emissary from Nepi Empire League (Controlling faction in system) was impressed, raised my standing.

>Searched for bounties at Nav Beacon.
^Collected several bounties, most by assisting local authorities.
^Very lucrative, however feels a bit hit or miss.

>Figure my short term growth path.
^Efficient to try several more contact offered mission types.
^Courier / Short Hop Hauler not too bad. Easy money but low profit per hour.
^Bounty Hunting promising. Enjoyable and good profit but could be hit or miss.

>Earn enough to upgrade my ship.
^Figure out which ships best suit my current needs.
^Make a point to check shipyards at all ports.
^Cobra MKIII? There is a reason it is such a popular early ship in CMDR careers. Versatile, allows for many activities which feeds into short term path goal.
^Eagle? Hunting bounties is enjoyable and profitable.

>Run full series of Standard Training Simulations from ships computer.
^"Basic Training Suite" Completed

End Log /03-27-2022/
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