Cmdr Dren Dakar
Courier / Wanderer
Registered ship name
Louisiana Lucy
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Cobra Mk III MV-07C
Overall assets

Logbook entry

CMDR Log /Dren Dakar/03-28-2022/

29 Mar 2022Dren Dakar
Begin Log /03-28-2022/


>Purchased Eagle Mk II
^Set up for small time bounty hunting.
^Instant success, feels great, already seeing large returns on investment.
^It appears I am in the bounty hunting trade for now.

>Took a mission to pick up some synthetic meat for an outlandish price.
^Flew to a station that needed the meat, not one that was selling. Bonehead move.
^Nearly ran out of fuel. Fleet Carrier in system with open docking! Saved me a needless jump to a populated system for fuel!
^First time docking on, not to mention seeing a Fleet Carrier. Impressive!

>Passed through Barojinura on the way back.
^Tons of conflict zones.
^Need to investigate why.


>Figure my short term growth path.
^Efficient to try several more contact offered mission types.
^Courier / Short Hop Hauler not too bad. Easy money but low profit per hour.
^***Bounty Hunting promising. Enjoyable and good profit but could be hit or miss.***

>Earn enough to upgrade my ship.
^Figure out which ships best suit my current needs.
^Make a point to check shipyards at all ports.
^Cobra MKIII? There is a reason it is such a popular early ship in CMDR careers. Versatile, allows for many activities which feeds into short term path goal.
^Eagle? Hunting bounties is enjoyable and profitable.

>Run full series of Standard Training Simulations from ships computer.
^"Basic Training Suite" Completed

>Investigate conflict in Burojinura
^What's happening? So much fighting.
^Can I find a way to put an end to this?

Extended Term Goals:

>Own all available ships
^Sidewinder Mk I
^Eagle Mk II

End Log /03-28-2022/
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