Cmdr Dren Dakar
Courier / Wanderer
Registered ship name
Louisiana Lucy
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Cobra Mk III MV-07C
Overall assets

Logbook entry

CMDR Log /Dren Dakar/03-30-2022/

31 Mar 2022Dren Dakar
Begin Log /03-30-2022/


>Took a scout run of Burojinura, it was time to get a closer feel for whats happening there.
^Filled the hold with bottles of Lambda Araes finest station scotch.
^Rotgut made in bathroom stills at an appropriately named "Walker Orbital".
^Made a good cover for me as a simple trader and made more than enough enough to cover the cost of fuel.
^Looks like the "New LSE 239 Labour" organization has worn out their welcome in the system.
^A second Federal faction is at war with them "Burojinura Comms Organization".
^Possible hand of Imperial government in system working to destabilize federal supporters?
^Possible tension between B.C.O. corporate structure and LSE Labour democratic structure?
^More info needed, for now I'll have to adopt a wait and watch stance. Not nearly enough firepower to affect the outcome.

---Removed File From Goals: Sub Log---
>Figure my short term growth path.
^Efficient to try several more contact offered mission types.
^Courier / Short Hop Hauler not too bad. Easy money but low profit per hour.
^***Bounty Hunting promising. Enjoyable and good profit but could be hit or miss.***
---Current fleet allows Bounty Hunting as well as Hauling and Courier work.---
---These activities will sustain me as more pressing goals are pursued.---

---Removed File From Goals: Sub Log---
>Earn enough to upgrade my ship.
^Figure out which ships best suit my current needs.
^Make a point to check shipyards at all ports.
^Cobra MKIII? There is a reason it is such a popular early ship in CMDR careers. Versatile, allows for many activities which feeds into short term path goal.
---Fleet of three ships is currently enough to remove this entry from Goals: Sub Log---
---Continued expansion of fleet is now a given, no need to concentrate on it above more pressing matters---


>Investigate conflict in Burojinura
^What's happening? So much fighting.
^Looks like the "New LSE 239 Labour" organization has worn out their welcome in the system.
^A second Federal faction is at war with them "Burojinura Comms Organization".
^Possible hand of Imperial government in system working to destabilize federal supporters?
^Possible tension between B.C.O. corporate structure and LSE Labour democratic structure?
^Reference Log Date 03-28-2022

>Investigate Nepi Empire League
^Escaped an interdiction by Simon Hardy/Ye'kuape/03-29-2022/11:04pm
^Did someone inside send someone to try to interdict me and ruin my rep with the organization?
^Is someone mad that I am rising in popularity with their external agents office?
^Was the rat sent by the Atlas Corporation, the client, just trying to get free goods?
^Reference Log Date 03-29-2022

>Run full series of Standard Training Simulations from ships computer.
^"Basic Training Suite" Completed

Extended Term Goals:

>Own all available ships
^Sidewinder Mk I
^Eagle Mk II

End Log /03-30-2022/
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