Cmdr Dren Dakar
Courier / Wanderer
Registered ship name
Louisiana Lucy
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Cobra Mk III MV-07C
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Logbook entry

CMDR Log /Dren Dakar/03-31-2022/

01 Apr 2022Dren Dakar
Begin Log /03-31-2022/


>Started asking some questions about the New LSE 239 Labour conflict with Burojinura Comms Organisation around Kier Station.
  • ^People on the station seem to favor New LSE 239 Labour. No surprise as the station is under their control.
  • ^Found several people convinced that this conflict is just a means to destabilize the Federation presence in system, strengthening Imperial influence in the sector.<SYSDATA LOG ADJUSTMENT / ENTRY NOT VALIDATED : LIKLEY FALSE OR IRRELEVANT>
  • ^Iota Pavonis Patron's Principles, an Imperial faction holds control over the system.<SYSDATA LOG ADJUSTMENT / ENTRY IRRELEVANT>
  • ^After visiting several stations in system and talking to quite a few citizens it seems that this is less about political power and more about an attempted corporate takeover. Burojinura Comms Organisation seem to believe Kier Stations tritium refinery can be pushed to produce massive profits and are willing to wage a war to take it.
  • ^The B.C.O. attempted to buy out the station but were turned down, then began a military operation.
  • ^I should leave the situation alone but the B.C.O. just rub me the wrong way in both their actions as a corporation as well as any of their agents I have managed to speak to.
  • ^Looks like "Texas Becky" my Eagle Mk II is going to see some larger scale combat.
  • ^I'm in the fight now, supporting New LSE 239 Labour!

>Started doing some combat work for New LSE 239 Labour.
  • ^Entered a combat zone in my Eagle Mk II.
  • ^Took out a few Burojinura Comms Organisation ships.
  • ^Fell under heavy fire and my ship was destroyed, ejected safely and payed the insurance fee to buy a new ship.
  • ^Took a mission to work some combat zones for New LSE 239 Labour.
  • ^Maybe bit off more than I should have, this is going to be rough.
  • ^Another lost ship, I am in over my head. This is a failure on my part, bad evaluation of my abilities.
  • ^Definite sign that I need a stronger combat ship for this type of work.
  • ^Abandoning mission.
  • ^Live and learn, thankfully!


>Investigate conflict in Burojinura
^What's happening? So much fighting.
^Looks like the "New LSE 239 Labour" organization has worn out their welcome in the system.<SYSDATA LOG ADJUSTMENT / ENTRY INVALIDATED>
^A second Federal faction is at war with them "Burojinura Comms Organization".
^Possible hand of Imperial government in system working to destabilize federal supporters?<SYSDATA LOG ADJUSTMENT / ENTRY NOT VALIDATED : LIKLEY FALSE OR IRRELEVANT>
^Possible tension between B.C.O. corporate structure and LSE Labour democratic structure?<SYSDATA LOG ADJUSTMENT / ENTRY INVALIDATED>
^Help New LSE 239 Labour if I can. They remind me of my friends from when I worked at the mineral refinery. Burojinura Comms Organization is just another low tier corporation looking to exploit their way to power.
^Try to take some information courier missions from LSE Labour agent, hope they will still deal with me after abandoning the combat mission I accepted
^Reference Log Date 03-28-2022

>Investigate Nepi Empire League
^Escaped an interdiction by Simon Hardy/Ye'kuape/03-29-2022/11:04pm
^Did someone inside send someone to try to interdict me and ruin my rep with the organization?
^Is someone mad that I am rising in popularity with their external agents office?
^Was the rat sent by the Atlas Corporation, the client, just trying to get free goods?
^Reference Log Date 03-29-2022

>Run full series of Standard Training Simulations from ships computer.
^"Basic Training Suite" Completed

Extended Term Goals:

>Own all available ships
^Sidewinder Mk I
^Eagle Mk II

End Log /03-31-2022/
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