Cmdr Dren Dakar
Courier / Wanderer
Registered ship name
Louisiana Lucy
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Cobra Mk III MV-07C
Overall assets

Logbook entry

CMDR Log /Dren Dakar/04-01-2022/

02 Apr 2022Dren Dakar
Begin Log /04-01-2022/


>Helped New LSE 239 Labour in Burojinura
  • ^Carried strategic data transmissions to eight stations spreading word of the situation and asking for help.
  • ^Transported survival equipment to one allied station.
  • ^Did all the work at a heavily discounted price which raised all parties opinion of me and my motivations.
  • ^Did not run into any trouble.
  • ^This operation went down incredibly smooth, unlike yesterdays combat fiasco.
  • ^I believe New LSE 239 Labour is now in a position, with the help of most of the parties contacted today, to win this conflict.
  • ^There are allies on all sides in this, surprisingly politics has not tainted negotiations with most of the factions approached today.
  • ^Great success! I am optimistic that this work will make the difference I hope for.

>Docked at my first asteroid mining colony today!
  • ^When I was still working at the mineral refinery I was one step down the chain from these people yet never saw a place like this.
  • ^Very impressive with a tight knit and welcoming community.
  • ^People all seemed happy enough, not the most glamorous life but good solid work.
  • ^I know some of these labor colonies can be hellholes but, as proved today, they can also be little slices of peace.
  • ^Somehow feels like I have been to a place like this before, even though this is my first visit, Deja Vu.
  1. ^Reference CMDR PICSLATE / Dren Dakar / 04-01-2022 / "Within Contentment"
  2. ^Reference CMDR PICSLATE / Dren Dakar / 04-01-2022 / "Healthy Wealthy and Wise"

  • ^Carried Over
  1. ^Reference Log Date 03-31-2022

>Investigate conflict in Burojinura
  • ^Federal factions New LSE 239 Labour and Burojinura Comms Organization are at war.
  • ^Help New LSE 239 Labour if I can. They remind me of my friends from when I worked at the mineral refinery. Burojinura Comms Organization is just another low tier corporation looking to exploit their way to power.
  • ^Try to take some information courier missions from LSE Labour agent, hope they will still deal with me after abandoning the combat mission I accepted but was unable to complete.
  1. ^Reference Log Date 03-28-2022

>Investigate Nepi Empire League
  • ^Escaped an interdiction by Simon Hardy/Ye'kuape/03-29-2022/11:04pm
  • ^Did someone inside send someone to try to interdict me and ruin my rep with the organization?
  • ^Is someone mad that I am rising in popularity with their external agents office?
  • ^Was the rat sent by the Atlas Corporation, the client, just trying to get free goods?
  1. ^Reference Log Date 03-29-2022

>Run full series of Standard Training Simulations from ships computer.
  • ^"Basic Training Suite" Completed

Extended Term Goals:

>Own all available ships
  • ^Sidewinder Mk I
  • ^Eagle Mk II
  • ^Hauler

End Log /04-01-2022/
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