Cmdr Dren Dakar
Courier / Wanderer
Registered ship name
Louisiana Lucy
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Cobra Mk III MV-07C
Overall assets

Logbook entry

Got to go!

06 Apr 2022Dren Dakar
Begin CMDR Log /Y2022M04D06/

Got to get out of this sector!

Tionisla has been good for making some quick credits but it's time to go. Pretty sure the local law enforcement has their eye on me and have been watching me since the sci-lab debacle. Trying to clone that scientists identity wasn't the best idea, psycho turned at me, pulled a pistol, and started blasting. I hadn't even pulled anything shady, granted I was planning on it. I was planning on looting everything I could from his research facility and making some major bank. It was going to be just a little harder than the mining base and this time I was going to make so much more.

Ever since I ended up at that empty mining station, why the place was abandoned I have no idea, no signs of any sort of life, just that single security drone buzzing around. Weird, like everyone had just up and evacuated, left everything behind. No ships, no rovers, no means of transport at all. The lockers were full of stuff, just sitting there abandoned. It wasn't going to hurt anyone, obviously, so I loaded up my pack, just grabbed random stuff with no idea what any of it was worth. I ended up making about half a million credits from a fence on Ridley Scott station in Zaonce, not a whole lot compared to some but it was huge for me and I've been hooked on the easy money from that day forward.

Been keeping my eyes open for more opportunities, but even though I payed off the fine for the little ID cloning mistake I know the sector security are still monitoring me. I'm pretty sure I can hop a shuttle and pick up a new ship I specced out a few systems over. Looking at a brand new Cobra Mk III, been dreaming of one for years. I'll kit her out for versatility, have to be able to pass as an honest trader but I'm not willing to give up some teeth if someone comes after me. Going to have to be more careful from here on out and keep my head down, blowing all my opportunities in a sector over a stupid mistake is a huge blunder on my part.

Message to myself:
When you read this back, years from now, thinking fondly of the true beginning of your career, don't forget that it started with a moment of failure that you turned into a triumph of success!

End CMDR Log /Y2022M04D06/
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