Cmdr Dren Dakar
Courier / Wanderer
Registered ship name
Louisiana Lucy
Credit balance
Registered ship ID
Cobra Mk III MV-07C
Overall assets

Logbook entry

On to Glory!

08 Apr 2022Dren Dakar
Begin CMDR Log /Y2022M04D07/

I booked the shuttle out of Tionisla, found a flight headed to Rozhdestvensky Hub in LP 847-48. Rozhdestvensky Hub seemed like the best station choice, mainly because it was the the cheapest flight, which saved me a few credits, not to mention being the closest station that offered the Cobra that I had specced out.
Good bye overzealous security and good bye bad luck!
The trip was very smooth other than getting a message from Domino Green1 inviting me to meet her for a "Business Proposition". I'm pretty sure she is just a Push2 head wanting to party but she certainly is a famous one, so I'll visit her when I have a chance. I wonder just what got her interested in me?

After docking at the station, disembarking from the shuttle, and riding the lift up to the concourse, the universe gave me the clearest sign I have ever experienced. An ad was playing on the big HoloVid screens, and ad for the Faulcon DeLacy Cobra MkIII multipurpose star vessel! I have dreamed about one of these iconic boats since the very first time I saw one land and pick up a load of cobalt at the den Berg Refinery in L 119-33, the place I worked to save for my Sidewinder.
I knew my choice to hold off on the Viper that I had considered and instead opting for the more general vessel was the correct way forward. The universe knew that I was ready for anything and this ship represented that ideal and my certain glory!
She also has a much better jump range than a Viper, in case I need to make myself scarce again, but that clearly had nothing to do with my decision.
I got her all set up with my custom loadout, ready for hauling and longer jumps. Perfect for covering up my slightly less than legal activities.

Once the outfitting work and credit transfer were done on the Cobra, I named her Louisiana Lucy, I started looking around for some work that she and I could do. Accessing the stations network through Lucy's computer, there was a contract on the bulletin board to do a scan on some science vessel in LFT 563. Since the job seemed like a perfect fit to test Lucy out, fully extra-orbital and the lowest threat level, I took it.
We cruised a few smooth jumps over to LFT 563, Lucy handled like a dream.
I found the Sanchez-class Researcher that my contact wanted the scans of. It was orbiting LFT 563 BCD 4 which was a Class II gas giant, must have been taking atmospheric samples.
Quickly moving in close so I could blend in and not be spotted, I deployed Lucy's Data Link Scanner and ran the initial ping on the mega ship. The results showed me the location of several Hackable Data Transmitters and a Comms Array. I set about scanning these and swiftly moved between them activating the unit on each. Something was wrong though, the ship must have been jamming me, I was unable to extract any information.
They must have been on to me and were probably scrambling ships to attack. I had to get out of there, quickly! Blasting Lucy's thrusters to max, we got past mass lock and engaged frameshift. We got lucky and were able to enter supercruise, escaping before any response ships could get to us.
I docked up and contacted the mission rep at the closest station, letting them know that the mission was a bust and the science vessel had somehow known we were coming. The job would have been a success as I am a master infiltrator and hacker, unequaled in skill or daring, but someone ratted me out and I was livid about the situation.
The rep was bearing the full brunt of my anger when they calmly informed me about something called a Recon Limpet Controller3 a device that can program limpets to hack data points. I suppose I probably should have fitted one of those so that the transmitters could have actually been hacked and not just identified. Live and learn.
Apparently the people who gave me the job had a combat ship tailing me just in case things went south, there was no armed response either, the mega ship never even knew I was there. As it should be when a master of stealth, like myself, is on the job!

At the end of this all I realize that while I have the fortitude and bravery to pull off big things, I still have a lot to learn about certain ships systems and features.
This operation was a success of learning and I have nothing but glory and happiness ahead of me!

1. Data File Log / Domino Green /
2. Data File Log / Push /
3. Data File Log / Recon Limpet Controller /

To whom it may concern:
If found, please transmit these logs of my adventures to my next of kin, anyone at all who has the desire to read them, or the deletion bin, whichever is most convenient.

/ Commander Dren Dakar / Universal Identicode# 7322658 /

End CMDR Log /Y2022M04D07/
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