Logbook entry

Blood and Thunder Pt. 2: The Wolf Bites Back

04 May 2019Virtus Vrtra
After having the leash put on us, the Prospect and I headed toward our new coordinates: Eravate. Typically it was a peaceful system, so I couldn't fathom what kind of situation would require TF-13 intervention. Surely this could be handled by the Navy.  

"This is Ogre Actual to Rear Admiral Novy. I'm one jump out. You mind telling me what the hell this is all about?" The radio buzzed with static, but no reply. I tried again. "This is Ogre Actual to Rear Admiral Novy, do you read me?" Still nothing.

"Sir, I've gotten through to dispatch, you want me to put you on the line?"

"Patch me through Cools."

The comms panel flickered a moment, and I was presented with a familiar silhouette. Mr. Enigma himself, LSR's top intelligence agent. There wasn't a person alive he couldnt find. Black market, criminal activity, you name it. If it left a "scent" he could find it. Trouble is, I don't even think Admiral Hyde knows what he looks like. The man truly was a mystery.

"You rang Virtus?"

"Yea, you mind telling me what the hell is going on? The Rear Admiral requested all TF-13 agents on site in Eravate, yet I can't get through."

"Before he left, the Rear Admiral and I compiled a dossier on several ex Black Shield Syndicate criminals. Forwarding to you now. I'm also reading an increase in hostile activity from Eravate's security forces. Something big is happening there Virtus."

"Thanks for the heads up. I'll stay in touch."

The dossier was longer than I expected. 15 of the ugliest mugs I've seen in years. They called themselves the "Galactic Anarchists." Piracy, murder, extortion, blackmail. Usual run of the mill trash. Yet none of them had any military or mercenary background. Strange considering the body count.

"Cools, let's get a move on. I've got a feeling we're in for a fight."

With a flash, our ships thundered through hyperspace. The anticipation of what was to come gripped me like a stim addiction. As we entered the system, my radio damn near exploded. At least 20 ships all chattering over the same channel. "Assistance this" and "Contacts that." It was a bloody war zone! I isolated the comms and established a link to the Rear Admiral.

"Ogre Actual, this is Rear Admiral Novy. 'Bout damn time you got here!"

"Good to see you to sir. Mind telling me what the hell is going on?"

"Galactic Anarchists have opened fire on several LSR trade ships. Reports of multiple casualties.  We're here to put a stop to this madness. Wing up, and jump in on me."

As we descended into the fray, a familiar sensation crept over me. All anticipation and anxiety was washed away, and was replaced with steadfast clarity and resolve. With a deep breath, I plunged my ship into hostile space. The resulting maelstrom before me was one I'll never forget. 8 enemy ships, vying for supremecy against the outnumbered (but not outmatched) TF-13 agents. We now totalled 5.

Like the Spartans of old, TF-13 members are specifically trained in the combat of an overwhelming fighting force. 8 to 5 was nothing compared to the conflicts we've seen. Shit, I've taken down 2 Corvettes myself with barely a scratch. Pair that with the bloodlust inducing fact that they've killed LSR Explorers... Good luck my friend. These clowns are toast.

One by one, the Anarchists dropped like flies. We employed a focus target tactic, and brought the "so-called" threat to their knees. In numbers, these guys might have been a threat. Isolated and alone, it was like watching a pack of wolves circle their next meal, rending the life from the ill-prepared prey. After 10 minutes of butchery and bloodshed, only a stray Corvette remained. Poor bastard. Disruptor rockets bombarded the ship (making escape into hyperspace impossible) as it frantically tried to make a break for it. Feedback cascade railgun fire pummeled the wounded assailant , rendering his cell banks completely useless. The end was near, and an aire of death resounded amongst my wingmates. As the shields collapsed, volleys of plasma ripped holes through the wounded ship. I could only imagine the cacophony of alerts and warnings that pilot witnessed as his beloved vessel crumbled into ash.

With a violent burst of light, fire and radiation, the deed was done. A certain calm crept over the battle field as we scanned for any remaining hostiles. Only a graveyard remained. As we returned home, I could only wonder what possessed these degenerates to do such a thing. Why attack an explorer and a trade ship? Those people are only out there to better mankind. Was there some ulterior motive? Perhaps, but it was beyond me.

As a wise man once said, "Some people just want to watch the world burn"
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