Logbook entry

Viper Pit Interview

21 May 2019Virtus Vrtra
How did you prepare for the tournament?

Ship prep was easy, I had multiple project ships in development to act as donors, it was just a matter of putting them together. Mental prep was just like any other fight. Deep breaths and create calm. Keep a clear mind, and let the training do its job

Why did you choose specific elements of your build?

Incendiary and corrosive multi-cannons are usually my go to for gimballed weapons. High ammo, decent punch. What I didn't consider was the increased heat when paired with enhanced thrusters (particularly planetside).

What were your thoughts and feelings just before round one started?

In retrospect: over confident. I was amazed at the fights both Dragna and G70 put up. Though they both come from IESF, they're also damn good combat pilots.

Are you planning on making any changes to your ship and why?

Absolutely. I knew going into the fight I wanted Guardian shield boosters, I just didn't have time to get them. Secondly, I won't be using the enhanced thrusters with the multi-cannons. It will either be a high speed bi weave with phasing lasers or the same weapons on a heavy shield tank (minus enhanced thrusters). Leaning towards the phasing speed freak.

How did you feel knowing you were to face Timeline?

Though I hadn't very much 1v1 time against him compared to my TF-13 wingmates, I knew of his reputation as a combat ace. After all, he did best my commanding officer in the first round. He was not to be taken lightly.

If you could replay the final round would you do anything differently?

Of course! I underestimated the capabilities of an A rated, Dirty drag drive thruster on heavier ships. I either need to replace the thrusters for cooler running drives, or strip down my shields and adopt a high speed build. Only experimenting will tell
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