Logbook entry

Squadron Commander's Log - Day 0 | 28 October 3306

28 Oct 2020User163433
Well, it's been several days since my last log entry. We've been busy setting the squadron up in their new home. We finally got orders from Federal Command allowing permission to move for control of the Eos system, which will be our new home for the foreseeable future. We have our eye set on some other systems nearby as we seek a more permanent home. There is a large lack of population in Eos. I knew we were being sent out to "BFE", but I didn't realize how remote it was going to be here. We've made contact with two stations and briefed our company people there. The other day I went to Bloomfield Orbital and met with Executive Edmundo Barnett-Padilla in order to get a better idea of the intelligence gathered for the area. Apparently crime has been high in the area which has been severely affecting the morale at the station with its workers.

I ran several courier missions delivering data to several locations and gaining intelligence about operations in the area and surrounding systems. We gained intelligence that there was a local pirate lord in the area causing quite a lot of issues, going by the name Jim Chapman. We arrived in the area that morning and quickly located Chapman. After a short time, Chapman refused to yield to our vessels under Federal order and we were forced to destroy his vessel. CMDR Teklese Kothari and CMDR ACHILLES2 assisted in the fight.

I later got intel on a known terrorist cell leader that went by the name Mictian, we were able to track him down after several hours. He proved a bit tricky to us, as he was actively trying to elude us. We believe he may have been tipped off somehow, and request an internal audit be done to further investigate the matter. I turned the matter over to Executive Barnett at Bloomfield Orbital, and he has begun the investigation. Mictian not only attempted to elude us, but openly attacked us at the Navigation Beacon in Hamburgla (Sp?). His vessel was destroyed and we were unable to recover any further data.

After that we received an anonymous tip revealing the location of pirate lord Daniel Zanella. We traveled to G230-27 and found Zanella outside of Laplace Works attempting to interdict a Type 7 that was transporting food to a nearby system for a relief effort. Zanella's vessel was destroyed and we were able to gain intel about where the rest of his faction was hiding at. We alerted Federal Security Forces who conducted a raid at the location which yielded 7 arrests.

In between blasting pirates out of space, we returned to Nanomam and have been running Garrison Supplies in an effort to fortify outposts. I delivered a total of 1,576 Garrison Supplies about every other day, however I was slacking this week because of operations in Eos. I can't wait till we start expanding, hopefully we find some decent earth like worlds near by. It's been too long since I've seen a beach.

There will be plenty of time to focus on beaches and sunshine, but right now I have to focus on the tasks at hand. Since we moved into the system we knew there was eventually going to be a conflict with another faction. As of 1300 GMT, the Revolutionary Eos Resistance has officially declared war on Pointman Industries. I can't say we're surprised. The local populace that does live out here isn't too happy with the way that faction has been running things. If it hadn't been for the economic boom of the Leaders of Eos, I think the rest of the factions in the system would have tossed them out years ago. Hopefully we can bring some much needed balance and security to this system. They definitely weren't happy when I came in and gave their leader orders from Hudson's office showing that they had to turn over command of Farrukh Barracks to me. Apparently they intend on making a stand there and refusing to relinquish command. That's fine, Federation Command has assured me that we can use "whatever is necessary" to stabilize the region.

And that's exactly what I intend on doing.

Until tomorrow. From the ground to the skies above, upwards and onwards.

Jackson Calico
Squadron Commander
Pointman Industries
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