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Squadron Commander's Log - Day 8 | 5 November 3306 | "The Battle of Bloomfield (Day 1)" MISSION REPORT

06 Nov 2020User163433
Sorry I haven't updated this much. The original goal was to update this daily with what our operations are, but judging how things are going, it's gonna be a weekly report.

Tensions have reached a boiling point with the Revolutionary Eos Resistance. Years ago, they ousted the Leaders of Eos and took control of the system and it's major star ports too. Their "leadership", if you can call it that is severely lacking. So, after a petition was drawn up by a majority of the populace, we felt that sitting on the sidelines, so to speak, was no longer an option.

Negotiations and peace talks have been deteriorating since the 3rd of November and early morning of the 3rd, Revolutionary Eos Resistance attacked a observation outpost of ours, killing all 24 crew members on board. I immediately notified headquarters and Federation Command. I spoke with a Rear Admiral [Redacted] and was given express permission to initiate the expulsion and removal of the Revolutionary Eos Resistance by any means necessary. War was officially declared on 3 November, so we just obliged the RER.

CMDR Achilles2 and myself set out today and entered the battlefield. We encountered several dozen vessels already engaged in combat in the system. When we arrived, Federation Naval Vessels were being engaged heavily by the opposing forces. We destroyed several enemy vessels and claimed victory in 4 skirmishes just outside of Bloomfield Orbital. Hopefully this will be foreshadowing for the future outcome of the battle.

During one of the skirmishes, the combat was especially heavy. We had two enemy captains that were commanding Federal Corvettes. They had a larger arsenal than we had anticipated. Even though we suffered heavy casualties in that specific skirmish, including my own vessel (I was picked up in escape pod and returned to DeepSpace Horizon), we ultimately claimed victory in the battle.

Our strategic analysts are saying that if we maintain this current pace on the front, we shall attain victory in around 4 days. Hopefully then, I'll take a couple of personal days and visit someplace with some beaches.

Things are seem to be heating up in the rest of the galaxy too, with the Empire and the Federation finally butting heads. Seems we may have more of a fight than we thought...

Nothing further to report.

CMDR. Jackson Calico
Squadron Commander
Pointman Industries
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