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Squadron Commander's Log = Day 24 | 21 November 3306 | "The War for Eos"

21 Nov 2020User163433
Commander's Log | Pointman Industries | Squadron Commander Jackson Calico
Date: 21 November 3306
Time: 13:40 GMT
Location: PMI Valhalla's Gate, Atropos System

Well, it has been 16 days since the Battle of Farrukh was ended, in a major victory for us, yet, it seems that we still cannot catch a break. The people of Eos seemed to be quite excited when we assumed control of the system. However, there have been several factions that have made it known that they do not want to be "lorded over" by a corporate entity. I think this is ridiculous. If we were some mining company or something else, I could understand such a thought process. Yet, we act on behalf of the Federation. Sometimes taking orders directly from the office of President or Shadow President. We have no wish to "lord over" any faction or group of people in this system. Our intention is to bring peace and prosperity to this region and once again making it the thriving mining colony that it once was, which will be of great benefit to humanity and the Federation once completed. Crime is at an peak in this region like they haven't seen in decades. I mean, the former controlling faction only came into power through force after disagreeing with THEIR previous leadership. The Revolutionary Eos Resistance, is nothing more than a terrorist cell bent on controlling the system for their own corrupt means and benefit. The system is better off with them not in power.

This has apparently has upset the Leaders of Eos (also native to the system). They are displeased that we took combat action against the Revolutionary Eos Resistance. This strategically makes no sense to us since they were in conflict with that faction prior to our arrival in Eos, actually having been displaced by the Revolutionary Eos Resistance. So, on 19 November 3306, with very little notice, Leaders of Eos declared war on Pointman Industries and attempted a hostile takeover of Bloomfield Orbital. This was quickly thwarted as the 101st Special Operations Wing was currently stationed on Bloomfield Orbital for training exercises. The 187th Tactical Wing was also stationed nearby on their fleet carrier "The Deepspace Horizon".

I feel that this battle will be over as quick as the first one was, and with the same result. The 187th Tactical Wing has been doing a fantastic job at managing conflict zones and quelling the civil wars that we have been engulfed in lately. Hopefully soon, we shall have a long period of peace and prosperity in this system.

Our victories lie not totally on the 187th, however, the 502nd Expeditionary Wing, did a magnificent job managing logistics and mining operations getting them back on tracking and keeping fuel in the fight so to speak. The actions of the 502nd have lead to giving us a tremendous advantage over our adversaries and their contribution financially cannot go un-noticed as they helped contribute enough to get the fleet carrier "Valhalla's Gate", commissioned. This vessel will be serving as our new command vessel until we establish a permanent headquarters in Eos or an adjacent system. Currently, Home Office is operating out of Bloomfield Orbital, however, due to the companies rapid expansion will be needing a larger facility soon. I did reach out and contact Federal Command's Development Branch (codename FDEV), and they stated that operations for new station construction have ceased for a bit. I was left scratching my head wondering why until I hear the Galnet alert go off.

At approximately 1800hrs, a explosive device detonated at Kepler Orbital in the Atropos System. This is the same station that the NMLA terrorists were being questioned and interrogated by Federation authorities.  The explosive device has been detected as using Thargoid caustic enzymes. NMLA has claimed responsibility for the attack.

Attached Article:

At this time, the "PMI Valhalla's Gate" has been "frago'd" to assist in the rescue efforts at Kepler Orbital. We will continue to do so until the station is repaired or until new orders come in from higher command.

As of the time of this report, we have already rescued 1000+ personnel from the station, over 75% of which are Federation citizens and employees.

I will advise further when more information becomes available.

Jackson Calico
Squadron Commander
Pointman Industries
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