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Squadron Commanders log - Day 44 | 11 December 3306 | Status Report

11 Dec 2020User163433
Pointman Industries
To: Home Office
From: Squadron Commander Jackson Calico
RE: Status Report - 11 December 3306

It has been several days since my last entry, but we have been quite busy. Our war for Eos has been primarily successful. We have managed to obtain control over mostly all of the assets in Eos. It was a long fought battle against the Revolutionary Eos Resistance, but we emerged victorious. We have obtain control of the following assets:

Bloomfield Orbital
Farrukh Barracks
Chamberlain Rock

At this time, we have still not gained control of Gohar Vision, however, that will soon be taken care of. As of this moment, we are currently focused on expanding our influence into the surrounding systems. We are essentially just looking for a place to set up a more https://inara.cz/squadron-mission/8791/11243/ headquarters that can house our ever growing membership. Due to the tireless efforts of our staff, we have been succeeding greatly in the Recruiting department. We have grown to 34 members in just a months time. I've had time to go through and re-evaluate members of the company and have promoted Achilles2 to Deputy Squadron Commander. He has been an excellent number two and has helped be one of the large factors in keeping the squadron organized. Commander Teklese Kothari volunteered to step down to the role of Chief of Staff. I believe he will be a great fit for this role, as he has proven himself to be logical, compassionate, and fair while conducting his duties.

We have had quite a few new appointments and staff positions be filled, however, we still wish to grow and see no limit on how large we can be. We hope to bring a bit more positive influence to the galaxy, protecting those who may be amateur pilots or new to space travel. Seems like a lot more Pilots Federation licenses have been granted as of late. It's a rather nice sight to behold.  On the logistical side of the unit, CMDR AliensRaygun has been doing an exceptional job with managing mining and trade for the company. Recently the Pilots Federation made several changes to the mining protocols and trade markets, due to very steep fluctuations in the markets, and it seems to have made the sustainment wing's job more difficult. Yet, time and time again CMDR AliensRayGun finds a way and helps increase trade profit for the entire faction.

We are currently hard at work on prepping  for our first expedition. The main objective of this mission is to help us aid The Federation in it's fight against the Thargoid menace. We will be leaving Eos on Monday, 14 December 3306 and will be gone for approximately 6 weeks during the expedition. We may return sooner, it just depends on how quickly we are able to gather the research and materials that we will need to procure Guardian technology. Federation scientists teamed up with ours and showed them just how effective Guardian technology is against the Thargoids. We will be travelling to six different systems, [REDACTED], and then we will be also conducting exploration operations in an effort to map more of the unexplored space. Though this expedition will be a short one, I am glad we acquired Federation approval, as this will be the first expedition I will be leading. I feel as though we have a good handle on things for the time being, and feel very confident in day to day operations going smoothly under CMDR Achilles2.  

We are currently pushing for expansion to increase our influence in the surrounding systems. We may  not be pushing for full control of certain systems, this will be considered on a case by case basis. Most systems we will be pushing into, we will just be looking for increased trade profit, and opening new trade routes in an effort to help out some struggling populations. Food production has slowed in recent months in Eos until we took control of the system, now, the entire system is in an economic boom.

The PMI Fortuna Favente has been officially commissioned as the capitol vessel for Pointman Industries. This expedition will be her maiden voyage.

PMI Fortuna's staff has been hand chosen by myself and I have full confidence in their operation of the command vessel. At this time, I have made the following appointments.

       Captain                          Marlee Mcclure
Commodity Market              Ishmael Brooks
      Shipyard                         Giulianna Palmer
       Armory                          Zelda Williams
    Fuel Station                      Avery Guthrie
    Maintenance                   Pepper Church
   Tritium Depot                  Kailani Parker            

The PMI Asgard has also had some staff appointments. Two fighter pilots have been hired to aid Pointman in it's mission. Braelynn Abbott has been hired as the primary fighter pilot for the Asgard. She is a veteran of the war on Lugh, and fought against the Crimson State Group. I believe that she was a good fit for the position.

At this time, we will continue all operations as planned. I will keep monitoring Galnet and other sources in an effort to stay up to date on the latest intelligence. These reports will become weekly reports starting 1 January 3307. There will be approximately 52 weekly reports in a calendar year. These 52 reports will be official status reports for the company that will come straight to home office. I will be further adding some personal logs here and there, and will be also doing Expedition logs for any Expeditions that we may be doing. If anything changes, or any further information is required, please do not hesitate to contact me.

CMDR Jackson Calico
Squadron Commander
Pointman Industries
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