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Squadron Commanders Log | 13 February 3307 | Status Update & Report

13 Feb 2021User163433
TO: Roland Marks | Pointman Industries Home Office (Viehbock City)[
FROM: CMDR Jackson Calico | Pointman Industries Squadron Headquarters (Farrukh Barracks)
Subject: Squadron Commanders Log /Field Report / Status Update

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  February 13, 3307
Squadron Status Updates

I apologize for the long time in between reports. We've been quite busy lately with the expansions, Thargoid incursion, and now having to deal with all of the political actions and necessities involved in the job. However, I am happy to announce that I have fantastic news. The squadron has been doing excellent. Our numbers are up due to a new recruiting initiative, and we have been successfully gaining assets during the last expansion. We've expanded two times already and even on the systems that we chose not to pursue, we still gained a positive, a powerful alliance that will be detailed later in this report. Several members have been promoted already and we have successfully divided the squadron into several flight groups each comprising of four wings. Squadron fleet carriers have been covering all operational costs and we have had no carriers de-commissioned. Currently two carriers are assigned to combat operations, one is assigned to an expedition, and one is stationed as a support vessel to support local pilots in Eos. So far, no disciplinary incidents have been reported, everything is running smoothly and we look forward to organizing more operations for the company. Nothing further to report.

Star System Status Updates

Eos - Our home system is doing well. We are currently under going a period of civil liberty. The system's security has been increased recently and we have been noticing less criminal activity in the area. Civilian state in the system seems to be happy and content. Yesterday a minor faction moved into Eos after their expansion. I reached out to the leaders of Veritas Kingdom, and we have worked out a coalition and they said that they plan on retreating from Eos. Nothing further to report.

Ross 1069 - We are currently at war with the Ross 1069 Independents in this system. There was a breakdown in peace talks where they were not willing to negotiate the purchase of several assets in the system and they told our ambassadors that they would rather fight for them. They of a democratic government type, and apparently are opposed to any more "corporate influence" in "their" system. We are currently conducting combat operations against this faction - currently assigned to the 187th Tactical Wing. We will continue to conduct operations here until we've acquired the the assets in the system. Nothing further to report.

Icontia - We expanded into this system when we first pushed into Expansion, and we came into contact with a minor faction that was already occupying the system, the Pixel Bandits Security Force. Their leadership immediately reached out to us. I made it clear that we had no intention on conducting any operations in that system, and that we planned on retreating from it. However, during the retreat another minor faction began to make a presence in the system and have apparently initiated a war with us in that system. I've reached out to the leadership of that faction, Achelous Smart Industry Corp, but I have not yet heard back from their leadership and they have not responded to our coalition request. Our intelligence division will be monitoring this diligently, as we have no quarrel with any faction in that system. We may need to contact a translator in an effort to break a communication barrier between the two factions. Nothing further to report.

Station System Updates

Bloomfield Orbital - Operations Office has made all of their weekly check ins. Nothing further to report.

Farrukh Barracks    - Staff Duty has made all of their weekly check ins on time. Training operations will resume again soon. Nothing further to report.

Chamberlain Rock  - Security service says that crimes in the residential areas have been going down and things have been quiet. More local businesses opening in the area to serve immediate needs of residents living in the settlement.

Gohar Vision  - This settlement is still under the control of the Revolutionary Eos Resistance, a extremist faction located in the system. They fund their operations through piracy, illegal weapons smuggling, and production and distribution of narcotics (allegedly on narcotics information is not yet confirmed). As of right now, negotiations are taking place between RER and the Pointman Industries corporate offices. At this time, we will only be conducting surveillance and reconnaissance operations in this area. Members of the Revolutionary Eos Resistance have been sighted in encampments outside of Farrukh Barracks, until security teams arrive and remove them. There have been 3 incidents within the last month in which they attempted to breach the perimeter. I will follow up when more intel becomes available. Nothing further to report.

Viehbock City - This was a recent acquisition of the company as you all are well aware. Home Office is currently in the process of moving all of the corporate offices over to this station. Nothing further to report.

Blaschke Penal Colony - This asset is currently under the control of the Ross 1069 Independents. We are currently considering this a primary objective for acquisition. Nothing further to report.

Crown Hub - We are currently engaged in battle over this asset. We have no further intel to share at this time Nothing further to report.

Hidden Lake Clinic - This asset was recently acquired and Dr. Kara Elliott has begun to move her team into the clinic and start offering medical services to the civilians in the area. The clinic was in bad shape when we took it over as Ross 1069 Independents attempted to detonate a bomb here so that we couldn't take the asset. We've finished reconstruction work on the station and it has begun it's operations. Nothing further to report.

Prime Transport Authority - This is an asset that we also have gained recently. We believe that it may prove useful when the Odyssey permits area released later this year. Nothing further to report.

Coalition Updates

Achelous Smart Industry Corp - I've reached out to this faction and have not heard anything back. The coalition request is still pending. Nothing further to report.

Anti-Xeno Initiative - We have been a supporter of this minor faction since PMI was founded. They are the leading group when it comes to fighting bugs. We are still getting prepped for full on Thargoid combat, and we have yet to send our ambassadors to their home system. This will be done within the next few weeks. Nothing further to report.

Argus Defense Fleet - We have recently entered into a coalition with this faction, courtesy of the hard work of CMDR Achilles2. We are awaiting the arrival of their ambassadors at our station, and vice versa. Nothing further to report.

Federal Republic Command - Hudson - We are loyal to the Federation and our home, Earth. We support Zachary Hudson in the power play. We have ambassadors in an embassy in Nanomam. There will be training coming soon involving this.  Nothing further to report.

Phoenix Defense Corp - We've recently entered into a coalition with this faction, as they reached out through INARA, and have similar interests as us. We are still awaiting their ambassadors and vice versa.
Nothing further to report.

Pixel Bandits Security Force - Our ambassadors reached out to each other at the same time, and were able to come to an agreement regarding a disputed system. We were able to enter into a coalition with them recently and are still awaiting our ambassadors to arrive at their embassy. Nothing further to report.

Veritas Knights - This faction had expanded into Eos, and it took us a few days to gather intel on them. They have just re-activated and we were able to successfully negotiate a peaceful coalition between our two factions. They gave us some great advice and have passed along valuable intelligence. They have so far been proven to be great allies. Nothing further to report.

The Altruists - This coalition came about due to the hard work by CMDR XtiamatH. This faction is currently aiding in combat operations in Ross 1069. We will be sending ambassadors to their home system soon. nothing further to report.

As of right now our focus is operations in the Ross 1069 system. We are looking to acquire assets in the system to expand employment opportunities that benefit PMI and the Federation. We will still be prepping members for Thargoid combat and will soon be starting to conduct training operations, the frequency of which I still need to discuss with corporate and command. I checked in with Hewitt yesterday, and he stated that all has been going well with the relocations. Security has been doing well, and everything remains on schedule. That is all I have to report at this time, I will submit further status reports monthly as per guidance from Home Office, and will conduct patrol/battlefield reports weekly per the same guidance. Nothing further to report.


CMDR Jackson Calico

Squadron Commander
Farrukh Barracks
PMI Fortuna Favente

Pointman Industries
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