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Squadron Commanders Log 3307-001 | 7 APRIL 3307 | MONTHLY FIELD REPORT

07 Apr 2021User163433
TO: Roland Marks | Pointman Industries Home Office (Bloomfield Orbital)
FROM: CMDR Jackson Calico | Pointman Industries Squadron Headquarters (Farrukh Barracks)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  April 7th, 3307
Squadron Operations Update

I am currently working on updates to the Squadron SOP Manual and the Company Policy manual, so I'll be sure to send those up for your final approval when I get them finished.

BGS Operations - Our BGS has been slow going lately. We have been focusing on maintaining more than expansion, however, that maintaining has been going very well. Our operations have been successful. Some much needed down time was needed while we reshuffled some positions within the squadron. This will be explained more in the personnel update section. We are currently maintaining operations and will be expanding again soon!

Contract Operations - We have been having quite a bit of success and a little minor setback, but everything has turned out well. We were able to acquire 3 contracts with 2 different player factions. One contract was cancelled and two others were completed for a total profit of 2,000,500,000.00! The initial contract was made with a faction that wishes to remain confidential, and the tasks we were required to perform remain classified. If you check the secure network, you should be able to see specific mission details. That specific contract paid out 500,000,000.00 credits. All profits went to faction carrier. The next two contracts were made with the Aureus Mercenary Company, the tasks we were required to perform remain classified, however, the profit payout was 2,000,000,000 credits. When I first attempted to contact CMDR Iraneth (sp?), who was our contact the entire time during the course of the contract, he stated that he and his squadron needed some time to acquire the money to satisfy the payout. At that time, I told him that was fine, and I froze the contract in our account, allowing him two weeks (14 days) to acquire payment. This is not our usual practice, as we usually only give 5-7 business days for clients to bring their account to balance. After the 14 days, I contacted CMDR Iraneth again, and the commander told me that they were having difficulty in acquiring payment from their client, who was giving them the "run around". I informed him that our contract was not with their client, but their faction. CMDR Iraneth agreed and said they would make good on payment. I then met with Iraneth on board his carrier and we had a rather professional exchange of payment. 2,000,000,000 credits were paid out to myself and I immediately deposited the money into the Fortuna's bank. At that time, I was informed by one of my representatives (an ambassador to the Aureus Mercenary Company) that he had been forcibly removed from their embassy grounds. They did not harm him, and him and his staff were given safe passage back to headquarters. At that time, I took a security team over to our Embassy in Eos, and upon an initial search of the grounds, the offices and rooms assigned to the representatives from the faction had been completely emptied. I also had noticed that the coalition and treaty with the faction had been dissolved over the night. I have no idea why they would do that, but unfortunately it forced me to have to blacklist the faction. We will no longer conduct business with the faction, nor support another factions operations that benefit that faction. This could change in the future, but for right now, that was what corporate advised us to do.

Rescue Operations

No Rescue Operations were conducted this month.

Anti-Xeno Operations

No AX operations were conducted this month.


Operation: Voyager will be commencing on 12 April 3307. Mission details are classified and can only be viewed on PMI Secure Network.

Squadron System Updates

Eos - Our home system is doing well. We are currently under going a period of civil liberty. The system's security has been increased recently and we have been noticing less criminal activity in the area. Civilian state in the system seems to be happy and content. Still working on assisting Veritas Kingdom in retreating out of the system.

Ross 1069 - We completed operations in the system and have gained several assets. Citizens in the system seem quite happy, and there is rumor that there will soon be a news network dedicated to the company coming. Pointman News Network or something like that. Intel tells us that citizens are extremely happy with the job market increase since we've taken over the system.

Icontia -We are currently in retreat from this system. Nothing further to report.

Squadron Unit Updates

187th Tactical Wing - The 187th has a new commander, CMDR XI Frost IX has been appointed as CO. CMDR Billybadazz remains the XO. Unit has been assisting with BGS operations and federal combat operations. He has been doing a great job so far in conducting combat and security operations in the system. The unit has also assisted in filling contracts for the faction

133rd Logistical Wing - CMDR Anthis has been appointed as the new CO for this unit. He has been doing a terrific job, and I think he was a great fit for the role. Looking forward to see what he has up his sleeve in the future. He has been doing a great job of finding sufficient trade routes for the faction and unit to earn credits.

314th Expeditionary Wing  - CMDR TerranBlade has been hard at work with his unit on their way to acquiring a fleet carrier for long range expeditionary operations. They have been hard at work fulfilling local contracts to earn credits towards that goal.

101st Special Operations Group  - We are currently going through a training cycle in the Adityan System. It's a four phase cycle and members that are participating are being shuttled via Apex Interstellar Private Taxi's. Training cycle is going well. Phase 2 begins 8 April 3307.

502nd Sustainment Wing - This is a new wing that is led by CMDR d Paladin b, and he has been doing an amazing job recruiting and getting operations done in support of BGS operations in Eos. Very much looking forward to seeing what this unit can do in the future. I will be monitoring them closely.

Coalition Updates

Achelous Smart Industry Corp - No updates, however, they are wildly expanding. We are to consider them hostile to us at this time.

Anti-Xeno Initiative - No new information to report.

Argus Defense Fleet - No new information to report.

Federal Republic Command - Hudson - Have been doing minimal support missions for Federal Command, though we have been assisting. Contracts have paid by members of FUC total over 800,000,000.00 this month. We will be stepping up these operations in the very near future. Personnel have been focusing on engineering their ships for expectation of heavy combat resistance during these operations. I am also in the process of coordinating a training class at FUC for newer members, so they can learn the proper way to conduct contract operations for the Federation.

Phoenix Defense Corp - No new information to report.

Pixel Bandits Security Force - No new information to report.

Veritas Knights - No new information to report.

The Altruists - No new information to report.

Personnel Updates

CMDR Achillies2 submitted his retirement papers, which were approved this month. He has been re-assigned to Reserve unit and has stepped down from Command responsibilities. He received a unit citation award and was promoted to Veteran Wingman. He remains in good standing with the company and can return to command staff at any time he wishes. It was a pleasure working with him during his time here.

CMDR AliensRayGun submitted his re-assignment request to the Reserve Unit, which I approved this month. He has been a great flight leader and a great asset to this company and squadron. He is currently assigned as acting Flight Group Leader, but has no active responsibilities and falls under the Reserve Unit. He is free to return to duty at any time he wishes.

Recruitment and activity have both been up and I am proud to say that we have been getting a lot accomplished.

I recently just promoted all of the recruits to the rank of pilot.

End of Report. Nothing Further.


CMDR Jackson Calico

Squadron Commander
Farrukh Barracks
PMI Fortuna Favente

Pointman Industries
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