Cmdr Grubilman
Special agent / Freelancer
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Aisling Duval

Logbook entry

A new assignment.

22 Jan 2016Grubilman
-January 22, 3302

--Ch'i Lin System, Fallows Orbital

This is my first entry...  Never saw much point in writing logs.  But with a recent close call, perhaps it's time to leave something behind.  

Earlier today, my unit received orders to head out from Federation space, to begin operations against hostiles known as The Emperor's Dawn.  Normally, I wouldn't think much of any issues in Empire controlled space; not my problem.  However, these may be the bastards involved in the death of a close friend.  We accepted the contract, and set on our way to the Ch'i Lin system.  I may not get my answers, but I'll make sure that justice is served.

Soon after arriving in the system, we headed out on our first sortie.  Combat was hectic, but it seems that the enemy is in disarray.  Most of the enemy pilots seemed to be anything but battle hardened.  A young freelancer, looking for mercenary work bought the farm today.  I met him at port, just minutes before our sortie.  He was telling me how excited he was to go out and do some good.  I can't get his image out of my head.  I don't know if it's because he was so young, or the fact that he called out for help over comms, and there was nothing I could do to save him.  I suppose that's how war goes, but it doesn't mean I have to like it.

The mood here at the station seems to be lively.  I just don't get how the people here can be so nonchalant about the killing going on in their own system.  I need a drink.  I'm going to head to the bar, and then turn in.  I'll need some rest before my next sortie.
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