Logbook entry

SiriusCorp Log 001 - Hirai, Bran

04 Nov 2020Bran Hirai
> SiriusCorpNet Connection Confirmed
> Session Begins

4 Nov 3306

Flettner Survey - Aitvas

As part of my Initial entry orientation with Sirius, I was first tasked to the Pleiades for reconnaissance and delivery. My tasking was to get to a classified system to recon an inactive Thargoid site used for first-contact training for new Sirius pilots. Drones, now labeled by Aegis as "Scavengers," were active onsite. While I tried to maintain appropriate distance, I was engaged by a wayward drone while harvesting alloys from a small spire nearby. Due to what I  can assume is linked programming, other drones subsequently engaged my SRV as a cohesive swarm. Even with superior firepower, I decided it was best to extract and move on to Maia for delivery of the alloy and debrief.

While I was on Maia, news broke over Galnet of several Thargoid attacks on Imperial stations. Later reports corrected that these explosions were instead coordinated by an insurgent force within the Empire, using sophisticated and novel explosive materials derived from Thargoid technologies. While my original orientation had been to stay in the Pleiades for further material acquisition, I was diverted just outside of of Bubblespace, to Ngalinn, to ferry data between Imperial systems under contract with Sirius.

I was mistaken in thinking that that would be an easy or boring posting. As it turns out, Sirius is far from the only entity besides the Empire with an interest in the place. Attempted interdictions on me and other local couriers have been common. I'm not sure what kind of data we've been carrying, but I do know not all of it's officially sanctioned; some of my contacts make that abundantly clear. I wouldn't be surprised if some of them have tipped off some of our would-be attackers. In my case, at least. Not every pilot has been so lucky.

I owe that to my ship. The Acrida has been a wonderful vessel thus far, pulling us both out of several close calls. Lakon's Diamondback line is fast becoming a favourite for me. While the Gutamaya Courier awarded to me by local Imperial authorities is quite fast, it doesn't jump as far as I'd like. And right now, time is too precious to squander, what with the Federation now at arms against the Empire over incoming Imperial refugees. I'm suprised they're trying to protect them, but I shouldn't be. Living under the Federation's rule taught me that they do sometimes do "good" things, if only to get something out of it later. I'm not sure what that is just yet, but I'm hoping something comes to light soon.

Speaking of coming to light, apparently some sort of dead ship was sighted in the Coalsack Nebula. Funny. That was one of the personal trips I had planned.
For now, I'm moving into the Bubble.
Sirius has granted me a new ship, specifically commissioned from Gutamaya. I've also received approval for Packhound missiles. It'll be nice to put those to work.

No idea what's next, but I'm sure new tasking will follow soon.

If any other pilots catch this, let me know how it's going.
I know it can get lonely between stars.

This is Bran Hirai. Signing out.

> Session Ends
> Connection Lost
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