Logbook entry

Captain's Log, 15/06/3302 - CNE Day 4

16 Jun 2016Beachwalker
Waypoint 3 is in sight, only a few hundred light years away. I'm having to do this trip in shorter jumps as the nav computer isn't able to plot a direct route. So, first stop is the Witch Head Nebula. Rather than take an economical route, I'm maxing out on each jump so as to reach the waypoint tonight. From the Witch Head, it's a slightly downward route to the Orion Nebula and the Running Man Nebula, all the while scanning as much as I can, usually the closest to the star. Occasionally, I have to head further out due to the odd water world or gas giant. I must admit, finding a water world is very satisfying, although I've not managed to make any first discoveries yet. This route must be well travelled.
Eventually, I arrive in system and start heading over to the landing site. As I get closer, I meet my first CMDR for a few days. After a brief chat, I start looking for the landing site, unfortunately, my fellow commander cannot follow me down due to lack of Horizons. I wish him well and start my decent.
Due to the practice I've had so far, locating co-ordinates is getting easier and within 30 minutes, I'm zeroing in on the landing site.
Another CMDR has arrived before me so I park nearby and send greetings, and before long, another CMDR turns up. Hope I don't crash out with all these fellow explorers arriving.
After a short jaunt in the buggy, it's time for bed. Hopefully, I'll have an easier day tomorrow, although, with the restricted space around WP4, the journey to WP5 will be a long and tricky one.
I must admit, I'm loving this exploration lark. The peace and quiet, expectations, and wonderful discoveries, and the odd disappointment, is quite addictive.
The view of the Nebula from WP3 is breath-taking, and the light is quite soothing. I should have done this long ago.
Good night. . . .
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︎3 Shiny!
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