Logbook entry

Captain's Log, 19/06/3302 - CNE Day 8

20 Jun 2016Beachwalker
Another log day of jump, scan, scan, scan, jump, scan, scan, scan, etc. etc. etc.
I'm on the last leg to WP5 at last, just under 2000 Lys to go. I've been getting a lot of undiscovered systems to scan, which is why it's probably taken me longer that I thought it would. Fortunately, I seem to have arrived in a popular region as my last dozen jumps had already been discovered. So now it's just jump, scan, jump, scan, jump etc. etc.
You can definitely go a little crazy out here in the black, with nothing but the sound of your jump engines and the honk of your scanner to keep you awake.
As soon as I get back to the bubble, I'm going to find lots of other ships and start shooting them. There's nothing else that makes you feel more alive than the risk of death from combat. I just need to get the blood pumping again.

Peace and quiet. Just What I need!!???
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︎1 Shiny!
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