Logbook entry

Captain's Log, 02/07/3302 - CNE Day 16

03 Jul 2016Beachwalker
Finally made it to Waypoint 10. I thought I was late, but apparently, I'm a day or two early. The big meetup is planned for the 4th July (is there anything special about this date?)
The final 50 jumps passed uneventful. Towards the end, nearly every system I jumped into had already been discovered, so I managed to make good time. I jumped into the final system and was greeted by another CMDR, the first I'd seen in a couple of weeks. I did a scan of the system, even though it had already been discovered (never hurts to scan for credits). The neutron star was interesting and the system was quite unusual. Unfortunately, the meetup point (Crab Stadium), was in the next system, so I had one more jump to do.

Cruising the Crab Nebular.

This last system was quite large and because I'd made good time on the last leg, I decided to scan as much as possible before heading for the Stadium. I'd noticed signs on a few other commanders and because of this, I started having technical issues when trying to land. I eventually made it and even managed to say hello to a few of my fellow explorers.

Looking for a place to land.

Heading in!

A small gathering before the main event.
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︎1 Shiny!
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