Logbook entry

Captain's Log, 15/07/3302 - CNE Day 24/25

16 Jul 2016Beachwalker
Day 24, Waypoint 13.
Made planet fall in the California Sector at what I think was the waypoint, although no co-ordinates were posted. One crater looks just like any other. Had a quick look around but was desperate to continue with the trip. I managed a dozen more jumps before looking for a place to stop for the night. I settled on a moon of a ringed gas giant. Just thought the view would be nice.
After touching down, I went for a quick spin, just to check out the location, and, low and behold, I actually made a discovery. A downed NAV BEACON. Managed to get a serial number off the inside of the hull, RF-78,  and did a quick scan, then headed back for some sleep.

Waypoint 13.

Looks like a nice spot to spend the night.

Up close and personal! My very own NAV Beacon.

Day 25, Waypoint 14.
LBN 623 SECTOR FW-W D1-100. A cold place, but with some stunning views. Hit the waypoint co-ordinates and took a drive. They certainly can pick them. Almost took another nose dive of a cliff. I was certainly more cautious after the last time. The views were stunning but very little in the way of resources. Didn't stay long, was desperate to get "back on the road".

Waypoint 14. Beautiful, but cold.

My biggest problems now lies ahead of me. Returning to the bubble.
1). NO weapons.
2). NO boost.
I need to pick my return to Epsilon Indi very carefully. Looking at the Galaxy Map, I pick an independent system on the edge of inhabited space, HIP 112970 . It's industrial and stable. Good enough for me.
Arriving in the system, everything looks quiet, so I throttle up and head for the station.
Almost there, just a few more light seconds, then. . . .. bham,  INTERDICTION.
Throttle into the blue. . . . .don't panic. . . .. chase the target. . . . .keep calm. . . . .YES. . . made it. Station in sight. . . .docking request granted. . . . DAMN. . . no docking computer. . . no problem, you can do this. . . take it nice and easy. . . .
OOOOPPPSSSS. Almost got jammed in the mail slot.

First things first. REPAIRS. . . not much of a problem, managed to keep the ship in good shape, probably did more damage trying to dock.
Next. . . . WEAPONS. . . . I've been advised to go for mines, so, mine launchers on all four hard points.
Next. . . . POWER. . . . Damn, no decent power plants. . . . just have to make do with what I have. Turn off anything not essential.
Right. . . . Time for the final leg. Epsilon Indi.
Ten jumps, shouldn't be too much of a problem.

Ten jumps later and I'm almost there. Just a few more light seconds and I'll be home and dry.
BHAM. . . .not again. . . .STAY CALM. . . at least I have weapons now. Throttle in the blue, nice and easy. . . . . . .yes. . . INTERDICTION EVADED. . . . . .head for the port. . . .
It's a shame non of the other CMDRs are around. . . feels a little disappointing. . . BUT. . . I . . . MADE . . . . .IT!
I've checked my exploration data, and am pleasantly surprised. Just under 6 million credits. I could have made a lot more trading, but I've had a great time. .. .I've seen some fantastic sights, and I feel good about myself.
But my night's not over yet. I have to get back to my home system of Phiagre. Checking the map, I see it's only 5 jumps, shouldn't be a problem.
After a small problem with an Orca in the mailslot leaving Epsilon Indi, I have to do a quick U turn for repairs. Then, 15 minutes later, I'm heading into Greeboski's mail slot heading for a pad. It's been over a month since I was last here, and it's changed a lot. We've had a complete make-over. Palm trees and a fresh coat of paint makes a hell of a difference.
It's getting late, so I'm putting off selling my data until I can find out where it will do the most good.
I think tomorrow is the start of a new era for me. I need to have a good think. . . and make some plans.

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︎3 Shiny!
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