Logbook entry

CMDRs Log 005. 24/01/3302

24 Jan 2016Beachwalker
It's been an eventful day today, both good and bad. . .
The good news is. . . I've had a couple of promotions. . . at last! I'm now a Trade Merchant, and also a Federal Cadet.

The bad news is. . . . I have been hit pretty hard by some unscrupulous people.
The first time was in the Zeus System, was interdicted. I tried to fight her off but she had a better ship and weapons than I did. Eventually, I decided to run and head for the station. Had to frame shift again, but she wouldn't give up and interdicted me another two or three times before I succumbed to the onslaught. I had a full cargo too. Nearly wiped me out with the insurance pay-out.
If anyone runs into Kyra Chu, please give her my regards and tell here I'll see her again.
After that, it was hell for leather trying to make up enough credits to ensure I didn't go bankrupt if I was hit again. I was interdicted one more time a bit later, but managed to run for cover. . . . just.

Anyway, I've made it back to my other ship and now I have a decision to make.
1. Do I switch back to my Cobra Mk. III which can look after itself. . . . sell the Keelback, and carry on with smaller loads. or. . .
2. Sell the Cobra, and kit out the Keelback with decent weapons, armour and shields. . . .and carry on trading.

I've set myself a target of 10 million, with which to buy an Asp Explorer and kit it out. Will that be enough????
Just have to wait and see.
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︎3 Shiny!
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