Logbook entry

CMDRs Log 008. 27/01/3302

27 Jan 2016Beachwalker
Had a pretty good days work today.
Started off by changing location and moving further into the Empire. The missions were definitely of a better quality.
Managed to rack up a few credits. . . . and managed to get promoted. I know it's only a promotion to 'Outsider@, but it's still a rung up on the ladder to success.
Had one or two interdictions today. A couple of strange ones too. Had an Anaconda interdict me, but he just sat back and tailed me for a while. I jumped back into FSD and two minutes later he did it again. Eventually I just gave up and headed for port.
Also had a Python jump me, expecting an easy payday. Hope he made it home ok. . . . .
I even picked up a couple of bounties.
I think I'm starting to get the hang of this now.
Up to now, I've be playing in Open play, but tomorrow, I think I'll give one of the groups a try.

Anyway, I've parked up at a station in the Baal System and I'll get my head down for a few hours before starting again.
Still dreaming of that Asp Explorer.
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︎0 Shiny!
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