Logbook entry

CMDRs Log 012. 03/02/3302

03 Feb 2016Beachwalker
A short day today, due to other commitments (actual work).

I managed to knockoff half a dozen or so missions, fairly decent rates, and I'm close to getting promoted again.
My new ship handles beautifully, although she doesn't purr like the Cobra. More like a throaty gurgle.
Anyway, I was hoping to try out the weapons system today, and, sure enough, I was interdicted. Great!
Or so I thought.
Apparently, I made the mistake of not setting up the weapons system, so nothing worked, and had to make a run for it. Hopefully, I've corrected my error and next time will not run away.

One other error I made today. . . . I accidentally reset my profile, and lost a lot of the data I had been entering.
Oh well, it's another lesson learned.
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︎1 Shiny!
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