Logbook entry

CMDRs Log 014. 05/02/3302

05 Feb 2016Beachwalker
Finally, promotion at last! Make sure to salute next time you walk past me

Midshipman Beachwalker reporting for duty!

A bit of a tedious day today, no decent missions.
I did have one headache though. I had a mission to a surface port, but when I got to the system, I couldn't find it.
In the end, I managed to survey all the unexplored regions of the system. But still no luck.
Had to abandon the mission in the end, together with a small fine. It was just frustrating.

Another bounty claimed, and one that got away. With have to thick about how I can rectify that problem.
My ship setup is almost perfect now. Shields rarely go down when attacked, and with the turreted guns, I don't really have to try too hard.

hopefully tomorrow will give me some challenging missions with decent payback. I'm still thinking about a new Federal ship, but I think I'll keep this one for a while longer.

Time for some R&R. Thinking of heading ashore tomorrow night for a well deserved break.
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