Logbook entry

CMDRs Log 015. 06/02/3302

06 Feb 2016Beachwalker
WOW. . . .it's been a mixed day today!

Finally, getting some decent missions again. Unfortunately, some seem too good to be true.
For example. .. I had to deliver some cargo to a planetary port. 440,000+ credits. That's not bad for me!
Sounded easy enough, so off I set.
I arrive in the system, and , low and behold, no sign of the port in the listing. System map, again no sign.
Plenty of unexplored areas. Right. Must be on one of these.
So, for the next hour or so, I'm flying around scanning these areas, discovering planets. Unfortunately, all icy worlds and completely uninhabited. In the end I decided to give up, abandon the mission and try something else.
However, there was a fine imposed for incompletion. 488,000+ credits. Definitely out of pocket. At least I can sell the cargo and get some of it back.
The other thing that happened while exploring this system was that I seemed to be attracting unwanted attention.
Normally, my rule is to throttle down and face the consequences, which I normally can handle.
Unfortunately, one time it happened I was met with not one, but three attackers. A sidewinder and two eagles.
It was a close run thing, but I finally managed to evade them and escaped slightly bruised and definitely dented my ego.

Apart from the above mentioned, it was still a profitable day. Plenty of missions, quite a bit of exploring, some trade along the way, and quite a few decent bounties.

I wonder what tomorrow will bring!?
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