Logbook entry

CMDRs Log 019. 10/02/3302 - What a day!

10 Feb 2016Beachwalker
A strange day to day.
Started off OK, got my first mission completed and was just going through the market when all hell broke loose.
Explosions everywhere, alarms ringing, general panic.
I dropped everything and hightailed it back to my ship in the hope I could get out of here.
I was just lifting off from the pad ready to hit the throttle when everything went wrong. Missiles coming from every direction. My shields just disappeared and then so did I.
Half a million credits down the drain. All my exploration data and all my cargo. What a way to start your day.
From then on, it all went down hill fast. I struggled all day, just to keep my head above water.
I had to try and make my money back somehow, but the missions were drying up.
I tried my hand at exploring a few systems Gathering data (and credits) to try and recoup my losses.
I was jumped a few times while out minding my own business, but managed to gain a few bounties towards the fund.
I think it was the third time that I was jumped by a Vulture. I think this guy new what he was doing, but I thought I was holding my own,
I managed to get him down to 40% hull integrity, but then I noticed mine. Damn, 10%. How did that happen?
Time to get the hell out of Dodge and head for safety. I can't afford to lose two ships in one day.
Anyway, I put my foot down and managed to get some distance between us so I could sort out a jump. By the time I was ready, I was down to 7%. Fortunately, there was a dock close by, but it was touch and go for a while.
Back to work, a couple of small missions just to get some credits, and a bit more exploring.
This time I was jumped by a Federal Dropship, (or something similar). I tried to take him, but my Asp Explorer was no match for it.
Again I had to make a run for it. 23% this time.
Has someone put a price on my head????????
Anyway, this is the first time that I've made a lose.
Must do better.
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︎0 Shiny!
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