Logbook entry

CMDRs Log 024. 24/02/3302 Best Day Yet!

24 Feb 2016Beachwalker
I have finally decided to side with the Empire.

First things first. It's time to say goodbye to my Cobra. I'm going to miss her.
Next. . . let's refit the Asp Explorer.

I've spent a fortune on her, the best that I can afford, and thanks to some lessons learned, I've switched the guns around and added a few cannons. All told, just over 20 million. It's going to cost me a fortune to replace her. Better start playing smart.

All set, set course for Cubeo. Have to make a stop on the way to refuel though.
Made it as far as Aztlan (5 jumps) and headed for a port to refuel. Interdicted but managed to evade. Docked and refuelled, I just thought I'd better check the bulletin board.
OK. . . . too good to pass up. . . .4 or 5 missions will net me a cool mill. Some of them are to the same port or system so should be a doddle. OK, so they're slightly under the table kind of jobs, as long as I'm quick, maybe no-one will notice.
Some time later, I'm almost a million richer and not a scratch. I also pick up a few more missions as well, the legal kind,
At one stage, I'm heading planet side to deliver some documents when I'm jumped by maybe a viper. I drop out and wait for the inevitable. Finally, a chance to check out my new guns.
Everything goes to plan, but just as I'm about to finish him off, he jumps out of reach. Never mind, next time.
So, I start heading back to the planet to finish my mission, when I'm jumped again by an Eagle. I'm beginning to think someone doesn't want these papers delivered. First time I've had to fight within the planets boundary, but I stood my ground and vaporized him. 400 measly credit bounty.  Anyway, I did manage to land eventually.
Over the next few hours I continued to pick up decent missions and a bit of trading and as the missions started to dry up I decided it was time to move on. Cubeo here we come. .  .
4 more jumps and I've arrived. A full hold ready for market, so I thought I'd better align myself with the local dignitary. Such a sweet girl. . .
Damn, did I do well. From 80 tonnes, I cleared over 50 grand. Welcome home. . . . .
Still time for a few more missions before hitting the bunk, A couple of good ones too.
On the way, got jumped by an FDS or FAS and really took a beating. Managed to get away with just 6% hull integrity to the nearest station.
When I dock, I'm left speechless, NO repair facilities. . . . I'm sure he's waiting for me outside somewhere.
So, I decide to jump to a system with a facility close by and hope I don't get jumped again. Fortunately, Everything works out ok in the end.

All in all, a good day. I've made just over 3 million, had a few bounties, a few close calls, and, as always, learnt a few lessons.

Firstly, only stick around if it's a small ship attacking, Eagles, Cobras and Vipers are fair game. Stay away from the big boys.
If I lose, it's just over a million a time, plus the cargo.
Tonight, I will sleep with a smile on my face and dream of a beautiful blue haired maiden.
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︎1 Shiny!
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