Logbook entry

CMDRs Log 027. 27/02/3302 Just one of those days!

27 Feb 2016Beachwalker
Know what I mean?
You've all had them. . . . . . The "I should have stayed in bed" day.

Well, today was just that day.
Before setting off, I picked up a couple of lucrative smuggling jobs, worth almost a mill and a half.
Nice start to the day????
I set off on the first one. . . .hoping not to get scanned. But just as I'm about to jump. . .. BINGO! Mission failed. A nice chunk down the drain.
Still, the other one's still OK.
So. . . jump 1 of 5.
BAM. . . .Interdicted before I can even breath!
Throttle up. Boost. And check who's on my tail. Asp Scout. . . . . Not too bad. Could be worse.
Anyway, this guy wasn't about to let me go, so I deployed and turned in.
Boy, was this guy tooled up. He was on to me in a flash. Shield were soon down before I managed to start hitting back.
Tried to run in the end but it was too late.
What with the cargo and the ship, I'm almost 2 million down and I've only gone up the street.
What else could go wrong. . . .
OK. Start again. . . .play smart, keep legal, and don't get greedy.
Another mission, planetary landing, deliver some cargo. What can go wrong with that.
Should have checked the planet out first.
1.27G. . . . . Not too bad I hear you say.
Well, my docking computer almost killed me that time. I took my eye off the screen for a moment and found myself parked in the dust just outside the base. Integrity down to 56% and shields gone.
Eventually I managed to get up and dust myself off. Gained some altitude and gave the docking computer one more go. This time OK.

I had myself a hell of a hill to climb to recoup my losses, but I carried on as best I could. Surely it's got to get easier now.
I've got a route picked out where I can gain merits and pick up a hefty profit on the way back.
Anyway, returning to Cubeo with a full hold of gold, I'm almost home! Sat there just thinking of all that profit.
BAM. . . .Interdicted again. Almost made it home and dry.
Another Asp Scout. "Kumo Crew Watch".
This guy was unforgiving. He pounded me for a while. I fought back. Was doing pretty good. Only he was doing better.
Hatch breakers. . . . This guys after my gold! So I turn tail and run like hell.
He was persistent. Managed to get 9 tonnes before I could get away. Plus I was down to 10% integrity.
Run for cover, that was all I could do. He tried one more time, but I managed to make it back in one piece.
I was about to give up then, but I still had a few things to do. So, like any good commander, I got myself a drink and carried on.

Pretty strait forward from then on, apart from a couple of Cobras and an Imperial Eagle. These I can handle ok.
But at the end of the day, I'm still out of pocket. First time ever.

So. . . If you get that feeling first thing in the morning. . . . . .roll over, pull the covers tighter, and take the day off.
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︎2 Shiny!
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